What are you expecting?

April 13, 2023

An experience like no other – Kadampa Spring Festival is fast approaching. Do not miss this opportunity to meet like minded people and enjoy a spiritual holiday.

Spanish National Festival 2023

April 12, 2023

Last week more than 500 practitioners from all over Spain gathered at the 6th Kadampa Temple for World Peace in Málaga to celebrate the Spanish National Festival taught by Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang, the National Spiritual Director of Austria, Switzerland, Italy and South Africa.

Mexican National Festival 2023

April 12, 2023

Following the spectacular opening ceremony of the breathtaking urban temple at Kadampa Meditation Center México hundreds of practitioners gathered for the Mexican National Festival.
Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, the General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU granted the empowerment of the Wisdom Buddha, Je Tsongkhapa and gave teachings on the profound recognition of our Spiritual Guide as Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka.

A holiday treat at Manjushri KMC

April 11, 2023

To a packed temple over Easter weekend Gen-la Kelsang Thubten taught a profound and yet immensely practical course on the practice of closed placement of mindfulness.
Following the commentary by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, ‘Meaningful to Behold’ and Shantideva’s root text ‘Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life’ Gen-la taught how to meditate on the emptiness of our feelings and to stop grasping at our feelings as being truly existent.

French National Festival 2023

April 11, 2023

Last weekend Gen-la Kelsang Jampa,  Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU granted the blessing empowerment of Thousand-armed Avalokiteshvara at this year’s French National Festival.

Protecting our spiritual life – German Dharma Celebration

April 8, 2023

Last weekend, Kadampas from all over Germany gathered at Tharpaland KMC for the 2023 German Dharma Celebration with Gen Kelsang Ananda, the National Spiritual Director of NKT for Germany to celebrate and practice the precious Kadam Dharma together.

Grand opening ceremony in KMC México

April 8, 2023

On April 6, more than two hundred people attended the grand opening of a brand new custom built center for Kadampa Meditation Centre México, with General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong.

Southeast Asian Dharma Celebration in Penang, Malaysia

April 7, 2023

From all over Asia fortunate beings descended on Penang, Malaysia this weekend for the Southeast Asian Dharma Celebration 2023 with Gen Kelsang Rabten the NKT-IKBU National Spiritual Director for the region.

Southwest Dharma Celebration

April 6, 2023

Last weekend, to celebrate NKT Day, the IKRC Grand Canyon hosted 200 people, 150 in person and 50 online for the Southwest Dharma Celebration.
All nine centers from the Southwest gathered to receive the blessing empowerment of Dorje Shudgen from Gen Kelsang Rigpa, the Western US National Spiritual Director.

Walk for World Peace with KMC Montreal

April 5, 2023

To celebrate NKT Day, KMC Montreal organized its first fundraiser, Walk for World Peace. They went to Mount Royal to walk for peace and enjoy the sunshine, meditation and picnic at the summit.


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source