Festivals & Celebrations

Festivals & Celebrations

International Festivals

Upcoming Festivals & Celebrations

Latest developments:

Profound Teachings from Buddha’s Heart ~ Summer Festival 2024

June 30, 2024

In October 2013, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche gave his last public teachings in Portugal. During these teachings, Geshe-la granted the empowerment of Great Mother Prajnaparamita and taught the Essence of Wisdom Sutra (Heart Sutra), which contains the heart essence of Buddha’s perfection of wisdom teachings.

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Fall Festival early booking discount ends soon

June 28, 2024

Fall Festival early booking discount for in person booking ends soon.

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A wonderful new ending to the Summer Festival

June 20, 2024

Part of Venerable Geshe-la’s vision for the Summer Festival has always been that we end with the play The Life of Buddha. He requested that it always be shown to inspire modern day practitioners to follow in Buddha’s footsteps.

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Early booking discount for the Summer Festival 2024 will end on 17 June

June 13, 2024

Don’t miss out on this enriching spiritual experience!  Early bird discounts for booking end on June 17th, so secure your spot today and embark on a spiritual journey to explore the profound teachings and find greater inner peace.

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Spring Festival Review

June 8, 2024

The conclusion of the 2024 Spring Festival offers us an opportunity to reflect on this truly inspiring event. Click on the links to view the complete Festival diary for each day.

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Spring Festival Day 6

May 30, 2024

It’s the final day of Festival but there is no sense of things slowing down, instead we have the grand finale we have all been looking forward to!  The opportunity to engage, as a world-wide Kadampa family, in the Long Protector practice, Melodious Drum Victorious in all Directions. 

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Spring Festival Day 5

May 29, 2024

A beautiful day of retreat guided by Gen Tonglam, with five sessions of meditation using Heart Jewel prayers drawing us closer and closer to Dorje Shugden.  The retreat gives us time to meditate on the teachings and bring everything we have learned together into our practice of Heart Jewel. Gen Tonglam takes us on an inner journey step by step through some of the essential teachings from the Festival, giving helpful encouragement and advice on how to practice.  

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Spring Festival Day 4

May 28, 2024

By now there is a strong feeling of harmony at the Festival amongst everyone attending, a pervasive feeling of peace and protection. Everyone is appreciating the teachings, which help us to understand how to improve our own practice and help others to find happiness.

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Spring Festival Day 3

May 27, 2024

It’s day three and everyone is enjoying the daily program of teachings, meditations and chanted prayers around which everything else is woven. This gives a strong meaningful focus to each day and creates a natural rhythm of quiet periods alternating with a friendly sociable buzz between sessions.

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Spring Festival Day 2

May 26, 2024

The sunshine and clear blue skies added to the special atmosphere of the empowerment day. People enjoyed preparing well in the powerful and contemplative morning meditations with Gen Devi. Then, after a relaxed and joyful afternoon in the gardens of Manjushri KMC, it was time to enter into Dorje Shugden’s mandala.

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Look back at previous festivals

Annual Festivals & Celebrations


Asian Festival 2024
Dec 13 – 16

Southeast Asian Dharma Celebration 2025

East Asian Dharma Celebration 2025


Austrian, Italian & Swiss Festival 2024
Sep 6 – 9

Portuguese Dharma Celebration 2024
Nov 22 – 24

Nordic Dharma Celebration 2024
Nov 22 – 24

French Dharma Celebration 2024
Nov 29 – Dec 1

German Festival 2024
Nov 29 – Dec 1

Spanish Dharma Celebration 2024
Dec 5 – 9


South Africa

United Kingdom

Scottish Dharma Celebration 2025

Irish Dharma Celebration 2025

Southern England Dharma Celebration 2025

NKT-IKBU International Spring Festival, UK 2025


Canadian Festival 2025


Mexican Festival 2025

South America

Brazilian Festival 2025

Argentinian Festival 2025

Chilean Festival 2025

Brazilian Dharma Celebration 2025

Chilean Dharma Celebration 2025

Argentinian Dharma Celebration 2025

Peruvian Dharma Celebration 2025


US Festival 2024
Sep 20 – 25
