Midwest Dharma Celebration

April 5, 2023

Midwest Kadampas gathered at KMC Madison from 5 states: Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Iowa to receive the blessings of Dorje Shugden granted by Gen Kelsang Demo, Midwestern US National Spiritual Director!

The new building for Mahabodhi KMC, São Paulo comes to life

April 4, 2023

Two years ago Mahabodi KMC, São Paulo acquired new premises for their city center. Since that time many volunteers have been working on renovating the building. It is in part funded by a project called “Mahabodhi Último – Together for construction”, which is a weekly bazaar held on the premises.
This weekend the center organised their first event in the new building to celebrate NKT Day. A new series of t-shirts with the theme “Dress for world peace” was unveiled bearing quotes from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche and all proceeds from their sale will be donated to the renovation project.”

Public talk with Gen Kelsang Rabten in Penang, Malaysia

April 4, 2023

A special event organised by Vajrapani Kadampa Buddhist Centre, Penang, was hosted by a local Chinese Independent High School. Over 150 people attended, including the school principal, some of their teachers, and a large group of teenage students.

Joint retreat in Bowen Island

April 3, 2023

KMC Vancouver & KMC Fraser Valley held a joint retreat nestled in beautiful Bowen Island, BC, Canada.
The two Resident Teachers, Gen Kelsang Delek & Gen Kelsang Sanden, using the book, The New Eight Steps to Happiness, guided 40 participants into some of Buddhism’s most-loved teachings.

Celebrating NKT Day around the world

April 3, 2023

This Saturday special events were held at Kadampa centers worldwide in celebration of the annual NKT Day.

KMC Boston connecting with universities

April 2, 2023

Boston has the fourth most colleges of any U.S. city, and KMC Boston has been making connections! Last couple of weeks Gen Khedrub, the Resident Teacher at KMC Boston and himself a Harvard alumnus, taught a series of meditation classes for the students, faculty and staff at Harvard University.

Celebrating the New Kadampa Tradition – NKT Day 2023

April 1, 2023

The first Saturday in April is set aside to commemorate the founding of NKT-IKBU by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche in 1991. Throughout his life Venerable Geshe-la worked tirelessly to lay the foundations for pure Kadampa Buddhism to flourish in this world for many generations to come, bringing inner peace to everyone.

Two events with Gen Kelsang Rigpa

March 31, 2023

“Everyone needs to know that happiness comes from a peaceful mind,” Western USA National Spiritual Director Gen Kelsang Rigpa explained to a full house last Sunday at Tempe Center for the Arts in Arizona. He encouraged everyone to examine for themselves how developing a peaceful state of mind would change our life, giving several profound “mental experiments” for bringing happiness.

Irish Dharma Celebration

March 31, 2023

This year’s Irish Dharma Celebration took place at Tara KMC, Dublin, with Kadam Bridget Heyes, National Spiritual Director of UK and Ireland granting Medicine Buddha empowerment and giving teachings on this practice.

Dharma Celebration in Argentina

March 30, 2023

This weekend Kadampa Meditation Centre Argentina hosted Argentina Dharma Celebration where more than 100 people from Argentina and Uruguay gathered. Gen Kelsang Rinchung, the National Spiritual Director of Argentina and Uruguay granted the empowerment of Je Tsongkhapa and gave teachings on this practice.


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source