Special weekend courses organised in Canada

April 28, 2023

Last weekend KMC Canada enjoyed a special course with guest teacher Gen Kelsang Demo, the Midwestern U.S. National Spiritual Director who taught the course ‘The Bodhisattva’s Way of Life ~ How to Enjoy a Life of Altruism’.

Maintaining the International Kadampa Buddhist Union

April 27, 2023

The International Kadampa Spring Festival 2023 is a time to come together and celebrate our shared spiritual journey. This year, we are delighted to have Gen-la Khyenrab extend a personal invitation to join the festival at  Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre in the UK.

Southern UK Dharma Celebration 2023

April 27, 2023

This weekend, the Southern UK Dharma Celebration taught by Kadam Bridget Heyes, UK National Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, was hosted at KMC London.

New Zealand Dharma Celebration 2023

April 26, 2023

At this year’s New Zealand Dharma Celebration, Gen Kelsang Rabten granted the empowerment of Vajrasattva, the Buddha of purification and gave teachings on how to purify negative karma by relying on Vajrasattva. The celebration was hosted by Kadampa Meditation Centre Auckland.

Discovering the depths of the Liberating Prayer

April 25, 2023

In this inspiring video, Gen Chokga discusses the significance of receiving the oral transmission and commentary on the Liberating Prayer from Gen-la Dekyong during the Spring Festival 2023. Gen Chokga serves as the National Spiritual Director of Spain and Portugal and is the Resident Teacher at KMC Spain.

Discovering Emptiness ~ A Joint Retreat at IKRC Grand Canyon

April 25, 2023

KMC San Francisco & KMC Los Angeles held a joint retreat nestled in beautiful IKRC Grand Canyon temple.
The two Resident Teachers, Gen Kelsang Rigpa & Gen Kelsang Choma, explained and guided meditations on emptiness.

25 years of Kadam Dharma in Atlanta, Georgia

April 25, 2023

25 years of Kadam Dharma in Atlanta, Georgia, were celebrated this past weekend at Kadampa Meditation Center Georgia.

Portugal National Festival 2023

April 24, 2023

Last weekend on the West coast of Europe, in the charming city of Sintra, the Portugal National Festival organised by Kadampa Meditation Center Deuachen was held at the forth Kadampa Temple for World Peace.
Gen-la Kelsang Thubten granted the empowerment of Buddha Prajnaparamita during the festival and provided commentary to the Yoga of Great Mother practice and meditations on emptiness from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche’s book The New Heart of Wisdom. The importance of engaging in the meditation on emptiness was emphasized throughout the festival.

The Secret of Buddha’s Smile

April 24, 2023

Recently Gen Kelsang Rabten visited KMC Brisbane to give a public talk on the mental peace, inner strength and deep joy we can unlock through the power of meditation.

A Friend That You Can Rely On

April 23, 2023

“Whenever I turn to the Liberating Prayer it is like a wisdom realignment”. The Liberating Prayer, composed by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, is recited at the beginning of teachings, meditations, and prayers in Kadampa Buddhist Centers throughout the world. To this day this prayer has inspired thousands of meditators globally.


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source