Spotlight on Reels for the New Year
Jan 8, 2025
The vows and commitments of Kadampa Buddhism are guidelines for living a peaceful and compassionate way of life. They are methods to solve our own and others problems and to make ourself and others happy.
There are three types of vows and commitments: the Pratimoksha vows, which are motivated by renunciation, the wish to attain freedom from suffering; the Bodhisattva vows, which are motivated by bodhichitta, the wish to attain enlightenment for the welfare and happiness of others; and the Tantric vows, which are motivated by the wish to attain enlightenment as quickly as possible for the benefit of others.
This year is rich in opportunities to engage in the practice of taking vows.
At the upcoming International Spring Festival, many people will have the chance to take the Refuge Vows. Going for refuge to the Three Jewels - Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha - is the foundation for attaining all other spiritual realizations.
During the International Summer Festival thousands of people will first of all take the Bodhisattva and Tantric vows as the foundation to receive Highest Yoga Tantra Empowerment.
In some Kadampa Centres, fortunate practitioners had an opportunity to receive Pratimoksha vows, deepening their practice of moral discipline. By taking vows, all our actions become more powerful in causing happiness and aiding us in attaining full enlightenment. How wonderful that this precious opportunity has arisen for people from around the world.
Joyful after the Pratimoksha vows ceremony at KMC Singapore and the teacher Gen Rabka
"Last week at KMC France, a beautiful ceremony for lay practitioners to receive Pratimoksha vows took place. It was a special occasion for both first-time vow takers and a large group of practitioners who renewed their vows.
The profound and essential teachings given by Gen Eupame made the event truly unforgettable. We feel extremely fortunate to have encountered this precious Kadam Dharma."