To make the precious teachings of Buddha available equally to everyone in the world Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche envisioned a Kadampa center in every major city.

These centers offer a range of local facilities where people can receive teachings, practice meditation, meet like-minded people, acquire books and meditation supplies, enjoy dining in a World Peace Cafe and much more.

There are presently hundreds of such centers around the world and many more are planned.

Latest Center developments:

Visiting Teachers sharing Buddha’s Wisdom

At the end of June, wonderful talks with guest Teachers were organized at several NKT Kadampa Centers. Buddhist monks visited Uma KMC in the UK, KMC Trois-Rivières in Canada, and KMC Metz in France. These talks, focusing on the preciousness of our human life and the concept of impermanence, guided participants to a better understanding of Buddhist wisdom.

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Wisdom and spiritual power

A special weekend of blessings at KMC Chile with the empowerment of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom and at Nagarjuna KMC with the empowerment of Buddha Vajrapani, who bestows upon us spiritual power.

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Teachers gathered together at their spiritual home

The Resident Teachers of the New Kadampa Tradition have gathered together at their spiritual home, Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre, to participate in an annual International Teacher Training Programme (ITTP).

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Buddhist art and ritual courses

In June, some Centers had the opportunity to organize special courses based on Buddhist art and ritual.
Read on to hear about events in Georgia in the US, and London and Nottingham in the UK.

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Weekend retreats on faith and a good heart

In June some Kadampa Centers organized group retreats to allow their students to gain deeper experience of the powerful minds of love and faith.
Here Dharmachakra KBC, Vajra Light KBC, and Menlha KMC at KMC New York, KMC Geneva at Kailash IRC and Lamrim KBC in Monts du Lyonnais.

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Wisdom & Compassion in Mexico

Recently in Mexico, Kadampa Centers received the blessings of compassion and wisdom empowering them to follow the path of compassion and wisdom that is Modern Buddhism. Read on to hear about events in Mexico City, Monterey and Pachuca.

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Peaceful minds in peaceful environments

In June, two wonderful retreats were organized in Texas, US, and the town of Choachí near Bogotá, Colombia. Participants had a chance to learn about meditation while enjoying peaceful and natural environments.

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What’s on in Argentina

During the last few weeks the 3 Kadampa Centers in Argentina held very blessed events. They were very beautiful and powerful events, which showed great unity and the desire to put Dharma into practice. There was a White Tara empowerment at KMC Argentina in Palermo, a purification retreat at KMC Cordoba and Nagarjuna KBC organized a retreat out of town in Zona Norte (Buenos Aires)

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Whats on at IKRC Grand Canyon

The month of June was very special at IKRC Grand Canyon with great events and the culmination of important outdoor projects.
Avalokiteshvara Empowerment | Annual Fun Fair | Outdoors Projects

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Outreach Events

In June, IKRC Grand Canyon in the US, KMC Tharpaland in Germany, and Vajrayogini KBC in Brazil organized outreach events to create connections with their local communities. Enjoy these fun events below.

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