To make the precious teachings of Buddha available equally to everyone in the world Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche envisioned a Kadampa center in every major city.

These centers offer a range of local facilities where people can receive teachings, practice meditation, meet like-minded people, acquire books and meditation supplies, enjoy dining in a World Peace Cafe and much more.

There are presently hundreds of such centers around the world and many more are planned.

Latest Center developments:

Our Spring Festival by KMC Hong Kong

This year, a group of 54 students from KMC Hong Kong enthusiastically participated in the annual International Spring Festival given at Manjushri KMC. The Festival goers have generously shared their photos and personal experiences with us as a source of inspiration and joy.

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Walk for World Peace – KMC New Mexico

We recently held our Walk for World Peace, an annual event organized by KMC New Mexico. This is our annual fundraiser to raise money for the NKT International Temples Project, to contribute to building Temples for world peace. We had many volunteers from our community donate their time and energy to support the event. Through our kind sponsors, we reached our fundraising goal!

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Joyful weekend retreats

In May some Kadampa Centers organized group retreats to allow their students to gain deeper experience in the practice of meditation. As they briefly leave behind their ordinary daily activities, people can immerse themselves in the peaceful, joyful  experience of retreat.
Here Naragarjuna KMC at IKRC Menorca (in Spain), KMC Tolouse and KMC Montepellier at KMC Barcelona in Montserrat (Spain) and KMC Trois-Rivières in Quebec.

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Events in the US

May was a wonderful time with special events in the US. A well-attended talk & retreat organized by KMC Colorado, statue-filling weekend with IKRC Grand Canyon, 10th Anniversary of KMC Maryland, and silent retreat in Arizona. Find out more about these events!

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Bonus Bulletin 22 May

Read about some other recent activities organized by Kadampa Centers around the world: KBC Jampa Ling | IKRC Grand Canyon | Tharpaland KMC | KMC Ottawa | KMC Perth | Drolma KBC | Vajrapani KBC

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Dharma arrives in new cities

For the first time Dharma is appearing in new cities with public talks in Ubatuba (Brazil), 3 neighborhoods in Montreal (Canada), as well as Tocopilla and Calama (Northern Chile).

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Completing powerful retreats before the Spring Festival

During the month of May, powerful retreats were held at the Sixth Kadampa Temple for World Peace in Málaga, KMC Madrid, Tharpaland KMC and Ganden Ling KMC. A perfect preparation for the International Spring Festival.

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Away retreats on pure love

In May some Kadampa Centers organized group retreats to allow their students to gain deeper experience of the powerful minds of love and compassion. Here KMC Ottawa, KMC Brisbane and Khedrubje Kadampa Buddhist Centre (Hull, UK) enjoyed away retreats.

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A Hidden Jewel in London

In the capital of the UK – London – where almost 10 million people live, there are three Kadampa Meditation Centers. The centers serve as an oasis of peace amongst the daily hectic life of one of the biggest cities in Europe. In this article we feature Heruka KMC.

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Talks for mental health and happiness

Recently, various centers have organised public talks on the power of meditation to improve mental health and happiness. These talks took place at the Welsh conference center, Venue Cymru (North Wales), in Viña del Mar (Chile), at McGill University Health Centre (Canada) and in Dresden (Germany).

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