Register for Prayers for World Peace

October 21, 2024

People in the local area who are not attending the Fall Festival are invited to register for the International Prayers for World Peace session. This gathering offers a beautiful introduction to the Kadampa Temple for World Peace for local people.

Practical and Blessed Events in UK and Asia

October 20, 2024

In recent weeks, some centers have held very blessed events deepening the students’ connection with Guru Buddha. Here are KMC Hong Kong, KMC Manchester and Atisha KMC in Darlington.

Events for the creation of a perceptible inner peace

October 19, 2024

During the last few weeks, Bodhisattva KBC in Canberra (Australia) and KMC Southampton in the south of England organized prominent events, where people had the opportunity to enjoy a perceptible inner peace.

Visiting Teachers in Spain, Canada and Mexico

October 18, 2024

Recent guest Teacher visits took place at KMC Spain, KMC Quebec, and Vajrapani KBC in Xalapa, Mexico. Participants had the opportunity to engage in retreats on the three principal aspects of the path, explore methods for managing anxiety, and learn practical approaches to overcoming anger.

Retreating from the busyness of our life

October 17, 2024

Wonderful retreats took place in the last couple of weeks around the world. Kadampa centers in Hong Kong, Ottawa, Querétaro, and Johannesburg offered the opportunity for dozens of students to come together, meditate, and retreat from the busyness of daily life.

Organised Visit to Rio de Janeiro – Fall Festival 2024

October 16, 2024

On the last day of the International Fall Festival 2024, there will be a special opportunity to visit the new center in Rio de Janeiro. On Saturday, November 2, 2024, to celebrate the purchase of this center, Kadampas will come together for a tsog puja with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, the General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU. Find out about this visit and Post-festival retreat in Rio.

Magical Empowerments

October 15, 2024

This month magical and blessed empowerments were given at KMC Barcelona, KMC Dresden, Tushita KBC in Nantes and Marseille KBC.

Preparations for the International Fall Festival

October 14, 2024

The World Peace Temple in Cabreúva is undergoing a profound and inspiring transformation! Dedicated volunteers from various parts of Brazil and the world are already working tirelessly on essential tasks to prepare the site for the International Fall Festival (October 25th to November 1st), where we expect to welcome around 2,500 participants.

Buddha Vajrapani strengthening our spiritual power

October 13, 2024

Blessing empowerments of Buddha Vajrapani took place in the last few weeks. Those who attended KMC Metz, KMC Montpellier and Odiyana KMC in Cheshire had a great opportunity to connect with this Deity to strengthen their spiritual power.

Exceptional weekends with National Spiritual Directors

October 12, 2024

National Spiritual Directors traveled to give special courses at KMC Texas, KMC Merida, KMC Lille (France), and Avalokiteshvara KBC in Huelva.
Their teachings offered many wonderful and practical examples of how to practice Dharma in our daily lives.

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Practical and Blessed Events in UK and Asia

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Events for the creation of a perceptible inner peace

NKT-IKBU - New Kadampa - Spain - KMC SpainDSC00897

Visiting Teachers in Spain, Canada and Mexico

NKT-IKBU - New Kadampa - Canada - KMC Ottawa IMG_4537

Retreating from the busyness of our life