Booking for 2023 Summer Festival going live

March 29, 2023

The 2023 International Summer Festival is fast approaching. You will be able to book for the Festival from 13.00 UK time on Thursday March 30.

opening Aberdeen

Official Grand Opening in Aberdeen

March 28, 2023

Having completed the centre during the pandemic, Kadampa Meditation Centre Aberdeen were delighted to finally welcome Kadampa’s from all over Scotland and beyond, to their official Grand Opening with Gen-la Dekyong, the General Spiritual Director of the New Kadampa Tradition.

Hundreds Circumambulate the Temple in Brazil

March 27, 2023

350 runners circumambulated the Temple at KMC Brazil as part of a 10 km run in celebration of the 164th anniversary of the town of Cabreúva.

Ask a Buddhist teacher: What can I do when I see animals suffer?

March 26, 2023

Gen Jikgyob, Resident Teacher at KMC Geneva, answers “What can I do when I see animals suffer?”

Finding true happiness in Santa Fe with Gen-la Jampa

March 25, 2023

150 people gathered in Santa Fe on Saturday for a public talk organised by KMC New Mexico with guest teacher Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, Resident Teacher at IKRC Grand Canyon and Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT. Gen-la shared practical methods for experiencing true happiness by changing the mind.

East Asian Dharma Celebration in Hong Kong

March 24, 2023

Last weekend, Gen Kelsang Tonglam, National Spiritual Director for East Asia, granted the blessing empowerment of Buddha Manjushri at the East Asian Dharma Celebration. Kadam Dianna, Huang Yihong and Li Yingzi guided the meditations.

Booking for 2023 International Summer Festival opening soon

March 23, 2023

The Sumner Festival 2023 website is now live
Bookings open Thursday March 30, 13.00 UK time.
Take advantage of the early bird discount.

Celebrating in the Nordic region

March 22, 2023

At this special event hosted by Kadampa Meditation Center Stockholm Gen-la Thubten granted the empowerment of Buddha Maitreya who is the embodiment of the loving kindness of all the Buddhas and taught methods to develop and increase our loving kindness through developing our wisdom.

Spring Festival – a vision of a better world

March 21, 2023

Special commentary to the Liberating Prayer & International Refuge Vow Ceremony with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong.
You can attend this festival in-person or online.

Southern US Dharma Celebration

March 21, 2023

The Southern Dharma Celebration 2023 was held at KMC North Carolina in Charlotte where Kadampas from North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia gathered to receive Je Tsongkhapa empowerment and teachings on Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka practice from Eastern National Spiritual Director and Resident Teacher of KMC New York City, Kadam Morten Clausen.


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source