Help prepare KMC France for the International Fall Festival!

September 3, 2015

One of the things that makes our International Festivals so special, is that the whole event from beginning to end, arises out of the kindness of volunteers. Help us to prepare KMC France to receive our international Kadampa sangha. If you can come one or two weeks before the Festival, or if you would like … Read more

NKT-IKBU International Fall Festival, France – 5 weeks to go!

August 31, 2015

KMC France will, for the first time, host the International Fall Festival. If you have never visited KMC France, or perhaps never been to an International Festival, now is the perfect opportunity. Receive Inspiring and Life-Changing Teachings One of the most powerful methods Buddha taught to purify our mind is the meditation and recitation of … Read more

Festival de verano 2015: Día 16

August 10, 2015

De acuerdo con los deseos del venerable Gueshe Kelsang Gyatso, el festival concluyó con una presentación especial de la vida de Buda en DVD. Esta obra, inspirada por el venerable Gueshela y sus enseñanzas, captura visualmente la esencia de la vida de Buda Shakyamuni. Basada en las doce obras principales de Buda, muestra de una … Read more

Festival de verano 2015: Día 16

August 10, 2015

De acuerdo con los deseos del venerable Gueshe Kelsang Gyatso, el festival concluyó con una presentación especial de la vida de Buda en DVD. Esta obra, inspirada por el venerable Gueshela y sus enseñanzas, captura visualmente la esencia de la vida de Buda Shakyamuni. Basada en las doce obras principales de Buda, muestra de una … Read more

Summer Festival 2015: Day 16

August 10, 2015

In accordance with the wishes of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso the festival concluded with a special presentation of the Life of Buddha on DVD. This play, inspired by Venerable Geshe-la and his teachings, visually captures the essence of Buddha Shakyamuni’s life. Based on the twelve principal deeds of Buddha, it shows in a clear and … Read more

Summer Festival 2015: Day 15

August 10, 2015

Final Retreat Day on Vajrayogini This is the final full day of the Summer Festival 2015. Tomorrow Saturday the Festival will conclude with the annual screening of The Life of Buddha. The Festival is winding down, slowly dissolving back into the emptiness from which it arose a mere two weeks ago.The taxis are lining up … Read more

Festival de verano 2015: Día 14

August 10, 2015

Segundo día de retiro de Vajrayoguini En las sesiones de hoy nos concentramos en el mandala corporal de Vajrayoguini. Guen Ananda ha ido presentando poquito a poco esta profunda práctica, haciendo que construyamos en cada sesión un mayor entendimiento de la misma. Esta práctica, tan sutil y extensa, puede parecer complicada, pero guen Ananda nos … Read more

Summer Festival 2015: Day 14

August 10, 2015

Second Retreat Day on Vajrayogini The focus for today’s sessions are the body mandala of Vajrayogini. Gen Ananda presents this profound practice a little bit at a time, building up our understanding with each session. This subtle and extensive practice can seem complicated, but Gen Ananda encourages us all to meditate on it in a … Read more

Summer Festival 2015: Day 13

August 10, 2015

First Day of Retreat on Vajrayogini Quick Path to Great Bliss After the power of the empowerments and the impact of the commentary, it’s time to shift gears. It’s time to create the space to absorb into the rich beauty of Vajrayogini’s sadhana and gain actual experience, actually taste the liberating quality of the practice. … Read more

Summer Festival 2015: Day 12

August 10, 2015

It was another gorgeous start to a day at Manjushri KMC: thousands of practitioners enjoying Quick Path to Great Bliss prayers together in the World Peace Temple. It is so powerful to be engaging in this practice together with so many other Kadampas. Throughout the day we received more precious commentary from Gen-la Dekyong on … Read more

NKT-IKBU - Kadam Dharma in UK - KMC Birmingham - IMG_2713 2

Empowerments in the UK and the US

NKT-IKBU - Kadam Dharma in Spain - KMC Madrid - IMG_6147

What’s On at KMC Madrid, Spain

NKT-IKBU - Kadam Dharma in USA - KMC Arizona - Fontes_Norales

Festive Events in the US, UK, Mexico and France


A Weekend of Empowerment and Blessings