Practicing beneficial states of mind

Controlling our delusions is of utmost importance for everyone, as no one wants to suffer, and deluded minds are often the source of suffering. Understanding this can inspire us to cultivate the beneficial thoughts that counteract these delusions. In this podcast, Gen-la Dekyong encourages us to develop positive mindsets. She emphasizes that becoming someone who consistently feels positive, happy, and peaceful is achievable for everyone with practice. This talk was given at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre, and is based on on the book How to Transform Your Life by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Available as a free download

Living Clarity
Living Clarity
Practicing beneficial states of mind

Flexibility and Mental Strength

Kadam Bridget explains that practising patient acceptance reduces our pain and allows us to let go and feel happier.

The flexibility that comes from mental suppleness

Mental suppleness is a flexibility of mind induced by virtuous concentration.

Training in breathing meditation and beyond

Here Gen Norbu presents meditation as a step by step approach to developing a better state of mind.