Gen Khedrub’s special visit to KMC San Francisco

June 23, 2023

Gen Kelsang Khedrub was a Special Guest Teacher in San Francisco last weekend for two very special events.

Gen-la Khyenrab special visit at KMC Vajrapani

June 22, 2023

Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab had a special visit to Vajrapani KMC this weekend. He gave a public talk on Friday evening, “Lift your life out of the ordinary”, followed by a day course on Saturday, “Being fearless in appearance and emptiness”.

Canadian Festival ~ An Ocean of Compassion

June 21, 2023

This year at the Canadian National Festival 2023 attendees received the Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Avalokiteshvara and teachings on compassion with Gen Kelsang Samten.

Unveiling the Complete Path to Enlightenment: Summer Festival 2023

June 20, 2023

Gen Kelsang Rabjor explains the significance of receiving empowerments in Highest Yoga Tantra.

Inauguration of the new center for KMC Valencia

June 19, 2023

This weekend, the KMC Valencia inaugurated the new urban temple on Turia Street with a special ceremony directed by Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang, National Spiritual Director of Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and South Africa.
The main event, which brought together around 150 people, was a significant milestone for this Kadampa center that has organized activities in the city since the mid-1990s.

Bonus Bulletin – Jun 18

June 18, 2023

Read about some of the other wonderful activities taking place this past week.

Colombian Dharma Celebration 2023

June 17, 2023

Gen Kelsang Sangden, National Spiritual Director of the NKT-IKBU for Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Colombia and Chile, visited CMK Colombia in Bogota for the 2023 Colombian Dharma Celebration, granted the blessing empowerment of Buddha Tara and gave commentary to the praises of the 21 Taras.

Special visit from Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang to KMC Bilbao

June 16, 2023

This June 10 and 11, KMC Bilbao received a very special visit, from international teacher Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang, in which she shared from her heart teachings to understand why knowing and transforming our mind, we can transform the world.

US National Festival 2023

June 15, 2023

Universal compassion is the subject of this year’s US National Festival. Kadam Bridget Heyes, the NKT-IKBU National Spiritual Director for the United Kingdom and Ireland will grant an empowerment (blessing transmission) of Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshvara.

KMC Spain celebrated first anniversary since opening the temple

June 14, 2023

KMC Spain celebrated on the 10th of June its first anniversary of the 6th Kadampa Temple for World Peace. The program included guided visits to the Temple and the site, gifts raffles, varios Cafés and shop open, activities for children and the most popular one: a public talk with the NSD in Spain and resident teacher, Gen Kelsang Chokga.


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source


Retreating from the busyness of our life