Gen-la Khyenrab visiting Scotland
Dec 5, 2024
08 August 2023
The Complete Path to Enlightenment
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Throughout the teachings and empowerments, one message comes through again and again: enlightenment is not only possible it is definitely attainable if we change our basis of imputation from impure to pure through using the ancient and profound technology of Tantra.
Today’s teachings were an oral transmission of the eleven yogas of Vajrayogini, which include both generation and completion stage practices. In generation stage we use pure, correct imagination to make the blueprint for enlightenment as Vajrayogini and this becomes the new basis for identifying our self. Later, in completion stage, we actually become a pure enlightened being, appearing from emptiness in the aspect of Vajrayogini.
This wonderful video shows all aspects of preparing for and enjoying an International Kadampa Festival. Festivals are unique, coming from Venerable Geshe-la's vision, and here you can see how that vision is manifesting from the pure activities of his disciples.
In meeting Venerable Geshe-la’s teachings, we have met and come under the care of such a pure and unequalled teacher. The two stages of Vajrayogini are the source of all attainments and a great treasury of blessings that reveal a precise and unmistaken path to enlightenment. Most extraordinary of all, he presents these teachings from his heart in a way that modern people can understand and practise. Buddha’s Tantric teachings are so profound but Geshe-la makes them easily accessible for everyone. It works for people in any country and in every language, a hallmark of International Kadampa Buddhism.
Gen-la Dekyong reminded us that Venerable Geshe-la has translated the hidden meaning of the Tantras for us, giving us encouragement that we can be joyful and confident in gaining the realisations of the instructions ourselves. Through our own pure practice we will be able to effortlessly benefit all living beings and cause this ancient technology to flourish throughout the world.
“Through using Venerable Geshe-la’s oral teachings, Gen-la Dekyong is directing us out of the world of suffering and making our enlightenment something tangible and attainable. Having heard her extraordinarily clear and simple instructions yesterday, it feels like anyone could transform their daily activities into tantric practice - even me!”
Through following our Guru we can understand, our aim is that each and every living being will find the supreme happiness of enlightenment.