Vajrayogini Day 2024

January 10, 2024

The month of January is a special month in the Kadampa calendar during which we emphasize the practices of Heruka and Vajrayogini, the principal Highest Yoga Tantra Deities of modern Kadampa Buddhism. Today, the tenth day of the month, is Vajrayogini Day.

The Stillness Within – retreats for everyone

January 9, 2024

As January begins, centers across the globe are offering both long and short retreats for those seeking spiritual nourishment. Regardless of location, people are placing emphasis on refreshing and uplifting their minds, and enriching their spiritual lives.

Lightness Accompanied by Inner Peace

January 7, 2024

Wisdom of emptiness and purification inspired participants in some end-of-the-year retreats to start the year with physical and mental lightness, accompanied by inner peace. See the best moments of these retreats!

Change Into a Better Future

January 6, 2024

At the end of the year many of us think about making changes in our life. For those attending the end-of-the-year events at Kadampa Centers around the world, there was focus on a transition into a better future filled with more positivity and wisdom. Three special events took place in the USA: Mind of All Yogas at KMC New York, Energy of Life at KMC Phoenix, and The Power of Intention at KMC Tampa Bay.

Entering the New Year with Blessings and Joy 〜 PART 3

January 5, 2024

The final post from 2024 New Year celebrations at Kadampa Centers. It is wonderful to see prayers being made, especially to Buddha Tara, in every part of the world for the benefit of all living beings. See the celebrations from Kadampa Centers in Mexico, Chile, the USA, Spain, Germany, and Portugal.

Entering the New Year with Blessings and Joy 〜 PART 2

January 4, 2024

Continuing the reportage of the New Year’s Celebrations from around the globe, in this article we hear from many centres around the world. A wonderful events to begin the 2024 in a meaningful way!

Entering the New Year with Blessings and Joy 〜 PART 1

January 3, 2024

Centers around the world celebrated New Year’s Eve in numerous ways, entering 2024 with blessings and joy. Communities gathered to enjoy courses, empowerments, chanted prayers, and festive buffets to start the year in the most meaningful way. See the article to hear from Manjushri KMC in the UK, KMC Montreal in Canada, KMC Durban in South Africa, KMC Tharpaland in Germany, and KMC France.

A New Year Message for Peace

January 2, 2024

New Year’s Eve 2023, Gen-la Dekyong gave teachings based on the booklet ‘Prayers for World Peace’ by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. In this time of conflict and confusion, these teachings inspire us to feel hope for peace in our world through the power of our wishes and prayers.

A New Temple for KMC Colorado

January 1, 2024

KMC Colorado are happy to announce that they have received their Certificate of Occupancy and moved into the new Temple last weekend.

Editors’ Picks – December 2024

December 31, 2023

Our editors select their favorite photographs from around the world for the month of December.


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source


Retreating from the busyness of our life

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Shining Open Days in Malaga