Editors’ Picks – Jan 2024
Jan 31, 2025
▲ The Kadampa Temple for World Peace illuminates the night, during Melodious Drum prayers at Manjushri KMC, UK.
Our editors select their favorite photographs from around the world for the month of February & March.
Over 900 attendees at Thousand Oaks embrace the serenity of meditation during the largest Kadampa public talk in the US by Gen-la Jampa.
Fun with the community at KMC Barcelona, where their Open Doors event brings
together families in meditation, teachings, and the joy of calçotada!
Gen-la Jampa, with joy and wisdom, inaugurates the new city Temple at KMC Colorado, marking a new chapter for the flourishing of Kadam Dharma in Denver.
Participants studiously taking notes during teachings from Gen Tonglam at the East Asian Dharma Celebration 2024.
Kadam Kyle Davis giving the empowerment of Buddha Maitreya, enriching hearts with loving-kindness at KMC Brooklyn.
Beneath a soft quilt of snow, the Kadampa Temple stands beautifully against the stunning backdrop, providing a wonderful setting for the Mountain Retreat at IKRC Grand Canyon.
Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong teaching to over 300 people during the 'Find Your Happy Life' public talk at Manjushri KMC.
Gen Kelsang Sangden shares a heartfelt exchange with attendees during the joyful 30th anniversary of Kadampa Buddhism in Chiapas
Retreaters at KMC Madrid partake in a fire puja, marking the conclusion of the Vajrayogini Close Retreat. What a perfect setting!
Gen Kelsang Ananda captivates listeners in Dresden with the life-changing power of meditation, marking one of seven insightful public talks delivered across Eastern and Southern Germany on his Dharma tour.
Participants outside the Kadampa Temple for World Peace after the empowerment of Buddha Amitayus at KMC Deuachen, Portugal.
Sunlight breaks over a sea of clouds at IKRC Kailash, capturing the serene spirit of the Snow Mountain Retreat.
Buddha's image serenely mirrored in offering bowls at KMC Berlin, the last stop in the series of public lectures organized by the Kadampa centers of eastern and southern Germany.
Attendees at KMC Paris offering the mandala during the Buddha Avalokiteshvara empowerment with Gen Tonpa.
Young minds embark on a journey of learning at the Kadampa Meditation Center Brazil during Brazil National Festival. A gathering of over 400 attendees from across the nation came to receive the blessing empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni from National Spiritual Director Gen Kelsang Mudita, set within the serene Kadampa Temple for World Peace.