Love, wisdom and purification - blessing ceremonies

Kadampa Centers worldwide organized blessing ceremonies for Buddha Maitreya, Green Tara, and Vajrasattva in the last few weeks. Participants at KMC Brooklyn in the US, KMC Merida in Mexico, Nagarjuna KMC Leicester in the UK, and KMC Metz in France enjoyed day or weekend events to connect with these enlightened Deities. 

Buddha Maitreya Empowerment at KMC Brooklyn

On Saturday, March 16th, over 50 community members gathered at KMC Brooklyn to receive the empowerment of Buddha Maitreya. In the commentaries, Resident Teacher Kadam Kyle Davis taught us how to use compassion and the power of intention to incorporate the practice of loving-kindness into our daily lives. As Venerable Geshe-la says, "A good heart always brings good results."

Buddha Maitreya Empowerment at KMC Merida

Special blessings from Buddha Maitreya on March 23rd and 24th at the Kadampa Meditation Center in Mérida, bestowed by our precious Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Chime.

It was a very special weekend where we received profound blessings and teachings on loving-kindness and the practice of the Yoga of Buddha Maitreya. Thanks to all who participated in organizing this event, especially to our Founder, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, who provides us with all the conditions to progress swiftly on the spiritual path.

Green Tara Empowerment at Nagarjuna KMC Leicester

On Sunday, March 24th, at Nagarjuna KMC Leicester, we were most fortunate to receive a beautiful Green Tara blessing empowerment granted by guest Teacher Kadam Bridget Heyes, the National Spiritual Director for the UK. Over 90 people attended and received this empowerment; both meditation rooms were used to accommodate all attendees, and a family link was available in our cafe. It was an amazing day!

The empowerment was very special, and in the afternoon, Kadam Bridget gave some beautiful commentary. We received teachings on generating ourselves as Green Tara through our understanding and practice of the wisdom of emptiness in conjunction with the sadhana The Yoga of Enlightened Mother Green Tara.

These teachings were wonderful and inspired all those present to a deeper contemplation and practice of emptiness.

Vajrasattva Empowerment at KMC Metz

A special weekend at KMC Metz called "A Pure Heart, A New Life - Transmission of Blessings from Buddha Vajrasattva" with the Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Konchog. People from Luxembourg, Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Moselle, Meurthe, Moselle, Lille, and Paris attended the weekend. It was a weekend rich in teachings on karma and purification, with a beautiful commentary on the practice of Meditation and Recitation of Solitary Vajrasattva, filled with joy, lightness, and gentleness.


Spotlight on Reels for the New Year

New year. 2025

Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2

NKT - MANJUSHRI KMC - 2025 2025-01 New year (KM)-30

Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings


Purifying with Buddha Vajrasattva ~ A Perfect Way to End the Year