Bonus Bulletin - 4 April

Read about some other recent activities organized by Kadampa Centers around the world.

IKRD Grand Canyon & KMC Phoenix - Public Talk on Love, Desire and Relationships

Gen-la Jampa gave a public talk at IKRC Grand Canyon on Sunday, March 24, titled “Love, Desire and Relationships,” where he taught the difference between love and attachment. An early-morning snowfall limited the expected number of people in attendance, but those who did make it to the Temple for the talk found it extremely meaningful and enlightening.

A week later, Gen-la Jampa gave a talk at the Herberger Theater in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. Organized by KMC Phoenix, the event welcomed almost 170 people. IKRC Grand Canyon and KMC Phoenix members were there to meet newcomers and invite them to future classes and retreats. 

KMC Brazil - Cabreúva town's celebration at the temple

Cabreúva Town celebrated its 165th anniversary with many activities, including a 10km race. The highlight was the passage of runners through KMC Brazil! The route took runners around the Third Kadampa Temple for World Peace. Almost 600 participants ran or walked around the temple - despite the rain.

The Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Drime, also participated. Wearing his robes, he completed the race at a great walking pace. Residents and volunteers from KMC Brazil also took part and were cheered by our Center's community.

The Cabreúva community eagerly looks forward to returning to the Temple each year. The race is now known as “The Temple Race”. Many people preferred to slow down so they could film and take photos. May this event create very positive imprints in the minds of these almost 600 people!

Tushita KMC Cape Town - The art of letting go

Our gratitude to everyone for the wonderful day course 'The Art of Letting Go' in Kalk Bay. The event was organized by Tushita KMC in Cape Town. Gen Namkhyen gave some insightful teachings, and Kriss guided the meditations to help us bring the meaning of the teachings into our hearts.

We look forward to visiting other places in the future as well!

KMC Ottawa - Kids Class of offerings and meditation

We had a wonderful Meditation for Kids class at Kadampa Meditation Centre Ottawa on Saturday, March 23. We talked about how a special connection with Buddha can bring benefits we want for ourselves & others.

The children learned the practice of making offerings and how it helps our minds in deep and meaningful ways, for instance, by allowing us to develop a generous and giving heart.

Then, all the children arranged beautiful flowers and food as offerings; they also made water offerings, imagining a special substance as they poured water into each of the seven bowls in front of them.

Then, the children meditated, helping them learn about their minds and enjoy inner peace. It was an incredibly joyful and meaningful class!

KMC Cordoba - Hike and Meditation

During a gentle hike in the park, a group of KMC Cordoba community members enjoyed a peaceful afternoon with Resident Teacher Kelsang Chodzom. The event included talks and meditations in nature and was thoroughly enjoyed by all participants.

NKT - KMC CHILE - 2025 1

Going Beyond the Ordinary with Long Retreats

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Radiating Wisdom Blessings Worldwide

NKT - KMC SPAIN - 2025 White Tara Empowerment-KMC Spain-February 2025-57

Healing and strengthening empowerments


Transforming our mind with different types of retreat