The magic of January retreats
Feb 3, 2025
▲ International Kadampa Retreat Center Grand Canyon during January Retreats
Our editors select their favorite photographs from around the world.
The 2025 NKT Australian Festival at KMC Australia brought people together in the peaceful Dandenong Ranges to receive Avalokiteshvara’s blessings and teachings from Gen-la Dekyong.
Students at KMC Spain at the end of the year Vajrasattva purification retreat with Gen Kelsang Chokga
To welcome the new year, a 24-hour Tara chanting retreat was held, bringing people together to receive her profound blessings.
Students gathered at the Kadampa Temple in Portugal for the 11 Yogas of Vajrayogini retreat with Gen Kelsang Rigden.
Gen Kelsang Sangden teaching at KMC Mexico during a New Year’s retreat on cultivating peace of mind.
Stunning views with the community during the Blissful Path retreat held outside Lima, deepening participants’ connection to Vajrayogini practice.
At Manjushri KMC, hundreds gathered to hear Gen Kelsang Tonglam’s inspiring teaching on cherishing others, offering guidance for a happy New Year.
Over 100 people attending the blessing empowerment of White Tara with Gen Tonpa at KMC Paris.
At KMC Rio, practitioners gathered for meditation in a park. Together, they cultivate inner peace and spiritual strength, spreading joy and Dharma throughout the city and beyond.
Incredible views at KMC Granada. Practitioners immersed themselves in the Eleven Yogas of Vajrayogini retreat in Moclín, enjoying profound teachings, meditations, and the serene surroundings
A reflective New Year’s Eve around a campfire, followed by a refreshing New Year’s Day walk through the forests, set the stage for a silent retreat on Lamrim, guided by Gen Kelsang Palden.
At KMC Trois Rivières’ retreat in Sainte Beatrix, participants meditated on pacifying anger, cultivating love and compassion, and reflecting on attachment.
Over 150 people gathered for a weekend of healing and inner transformation, guided by Gen Kelsang Lochani and Nicolas Guerrero.
Winter retreats at KMC New York with Gen Samten Kelsang are based on the book The Oral Instructions of Mahamudra by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.
The launch of the 2025 brochure showing the International Kadampa Teaching Program of Festivals and Dharma Celebrations. The brochure will be available in six languages in print and online for download.