Picturesque away retreats in January
Jan 27, 2025
During January, Vajrayogini retreats provided an ideal space for participants to deepen their understanding and personal experience of Tantra, applying effort to transform their daily appearances into the spiritual path. Here are some activities organized by centers in Portugal, Spain, Mexico, Germany and France.
Over the past few days, the Kadampa Temple in Portugal was filled with inspiration during the 11 Yogas of Vajrayogini retreat. This special event brought together practitioners who, with faith and determination, delved into the Tantric instructions of Heruka and Vajrayogini, finding an inexhaustible source of blessings and inner transformation for their daily practice.
The first weekend was dedicated to deepening our understanding of the condensed self-generation sadhana, The Blissful Path, which Venerable Geshe-la transmitted to thousands of people just a few kilometers from the Temple in 2013. The retreat continued with nearly a week of exploring the extensive sadhana, Quick Path to Great Bliss, culminating in a true Feast of Great Bliss, as we joyfully engaged in the self-initiation practice together.
The retreat, guided by Gen Kelsang Rigden, provided an ideal space for participants to deepen their understanding and personal experience of Tantra. Many shared that they felt renewed energy and motivation to integrate the practices into their daily lives.
Thank you, dear Geshe-la, from the depths of our hearts. May the blessings of this retreat spread widely, helping everyone find the true meaning of life.
From January 7 to 12, KMC Granada organized a retreat on The Eleven Yogas of Vajrayogini guided by Raquel Baztán, in the beautiful town of Moclín.
For six days we immersed ourselves in the pure world of Vajrayogini where we enjoyed profound teachings and meditations on the generation stage of this Deity.
During the breaks, we enjoyed a wonderful atmosphere - the surroundings of this place with dreamlike views and delicious meals.
We wholeheartedly thank all the participants who joined this magical retreat where we were able to taste the Pure Land of Keajra thanks to the kindness of our precious Spiritual Guide.
Thank you Venerable Geshe-la!
We celebrated Vajrayogini Day on Friday, January 10th with Offering to the Spiritual Guide, followed by a retreat guided by Gen Kelsang Konchog, our Resident Teacher, on The Uncommon Yoga of Inconceivability
Around 15 people attended this very beautiful and blessed retreat and the oral transmission of the commentaries.
To receive the special blessings of Venerable Vajrayogini, a Vajrayogini self-initiation puja was organized by KMC Stuttgart and KMC Karlsruhe.
Early in the morning, the Sangha were already busy preparing for the puja. With love and care the tsog, tormas and special offerings were prepared and the ritual objects were carefully arranged.
With numerous Sangha members celebrating this Feast of Great Bliss led by Jörg Meerholz, Resident Teacher of KMC Stuttgart, the sound of singing, bells and damarus filled the meditation room. Everyone rejoiced in the opportunity to engage in this special puja and receive countless blessings.
Last night we finished our first Uncommon Yoga of Inconceivability retreat, feeling very happy and grateful. We dedicate our merit to the happiness of everyone without exception.
The following weekend, we gathered for a Vajrasattva purification retreat. Together we purified an enormous amount of negativity from our minds, drawing close to Buddha Vajrasattva with the sincere desire to improve our intentions and actions.
Thank you, first of all, to Venerable Geshe-la, our holy Spiritual Guide and Founder, and to Gen-la Dekyong and Gen-la Jampa.
May the doors of Keajra Heaven be open for everyone, right now!