Dharma is not just for grown-ups

June 25, 2022

Meditation is important for people of all ages. Here we feature some images of recent activity for children at Kadampa centers around the world.

More post festival retreat blessings

June 24, 2022

Here we feature three more post-festival retreats that took place at KMC Tharpaland with Gen-la Kelsang Thubten, KMC Deuachen with Kadam Antonio and KMC Seville with Gen Rabjor.

The studio never stops

June 23, 2022

No sooner had the work for the Málaga Temple been completed than the Kadampa Art Studio at Manjushri KMC switched focus to preparing statues and art for smaller urban Temples.

Guru Yoga in the mountains of Madrid

June 22, 2022

Last weekend, KMC Madrid La Sierra held its first big international event, a post Spring Festival retreat and inauguration of the center with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU. The retreat gathered nearly 100 people including students, teachers and volunteers.

So profound, so blessed

June 21, 2022

Gen-la Khyenrab is guiding the post festival retreat at KMC Barcelona. We feel so grateful to be able to do retreat on Definitive Guru Yoga with such a wonderful teacher.

Kindness in Action

June 20, 2022

Kadampa Centers are centers of kindness. where people from all walks of life come together to offer their skills and experience. See kindness in action at Madhyamaka Center in the UK.

Meditating in the mountains

June 19, 2022

Almost every month for the last few years, KMC Switzerland has organised very successful weekend away retreats titled “Meditate in the Mountains” at Kailash IRC.   

Dharma is flourishing in Mexico

June 18, 2022

Here we report on a few recent events from centers across the country: KMC Mexico in Mexico City, KMC Cuernavaca, KMC Monterrey and KBC Sukhavati in Querétaro.


June 17, 2022

Welcome to the 2022 Spring Festival Online Day 7 ~ Thank you Geshe-la Thank you Geshe-la for manifesting this beautiful temple, for your example in this world, for giving us everything, for giving us the Ganden oral lineage newly arising, qualified teachers, study programs, retreats, centres and opportunities to create infinite merit through working for … Read more

Day 6 ~ Retreat

June 16, 2022

Welcome to the 2022 Spring Festival Online Day 6 ~ Retreat At this festival we received special instruction from Venerable Geshe-la that it is very important for us to learn how to do a Guru Yoga counting retreat using the mantra of Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka, counting 100 000 mantras and followed by a Vajradhaka … Read more

Buddha Shakyamuni

Celebrating Buddha’s Return From Heaven


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming