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10 August 2022


Welcome to the 2022 Summer Festival

DAY 12 ~ Closing Retreats

Today, the Summer Festival enters the last phase  - retreat on the teachings of part 2. Led by Gen Rabten, this retreat will emphasise going deeper into the meditations on tranquil abiding and emptiness.


The yoga of illusion

festival podcast

What is Emptiness?

Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
What is Emptiness?

How the mind of self grasping ignorance believes mistaken appearance to be true

post-festival retreats

And after the Festival finishes, many Kadampa centers around the world have organised post-festival retreats to give people a chance to go even deeper into the meaning of Venerable Geshe-la's precious book Clear Light of Bliss.

There is still time to book for these. See the full list.

Where will you go for post-festivl retreat?

NKT US - New Kadampa Tradition - New YorkDSC_2996-X4

Nagarjuna’s intention at KMC New York

Dharma Flouring

Flourishing Kadam Dharma in the Heart

NKT - Madhayamaka KMC - 2024 (17)

Bonus Bulletin – 11 July

NKT - KMC SPAIN - 2024 (19)

Kadampa Events For Families in Spain