A very special Public Talk in Leeds: How to meditate for World Peace

July 7, 2022

“Join us on 10th July for the auspicious occasion of the Grand Opening of Kadampa Meditation Centre Leeds with a public talk, How to meditate for World Peace, by Gen la Kelsang Dekyong, the General Spiritual Director of the New Kadampa Tradition.”

The Buddhist way of loving

July 6, 2022

Every summer, KMC Barcelona hosts an annual retreat on how to love without attachment.

Flying into Manchester for the Summer Festival?

July 5, 2022

If you are flying into Manchester Airport and have not yet booked the airport shuttle, we are encouraging you to do so rather than relying on the train service.

Teachers gather for special training

July 4, 2022

Almost 200 Resident Teachers have gathered at Manjushri KMC for the Intensive Teacher Training Program 2022 with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU.

Ask a Buddhist Teacher: What happens to us when we die?

July 1, 2022

A new series in which Kadampa Teachers answer commonly asked questions | We begin with Gen Kelsang Rabten, Resident Teacher of KMC Leeds and National Spiritual Director for New Zealand, Australia and South East Asia, who answers “What happens to us when we die?”

Last chance for discounted rates for the Summer Festival

June 30, 2022

Today, June 30, is the last day to book for the Summer Festival and take advantage of huge early booking discounts. Please note the figures below are for the Festival fee only and do not include accommodation or meals.

Ask a Buddhist Teacher: How do I love myself?

June 29, 2022

Gen Kelsang Sangden, National Spiritual Director for Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Colombia & Chile, answers “How do I love myself?”

Big Thanking Day at the New Temple in Spain

June 29, 2022

“After the opening of the 6th Kadampa Temple for World Peace in Spain, following in the footsteps of IKRC Grand Canyon, we prepared a Big Thanking Day for all those who have directly or indirectly contributed to the construction of the Temple. About 450 people attended, it was packed!”

Establishing a deep connection with Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka in France

June 27, 2022

KMC France just concluded their post festival retreat with Gen Rabten.

Cherishing all living beings

June 26, 2022

All Kadampa centers are dedicated to all living beings. They belong to them, remaining in their service for all time, and can never be taken over by individuals or organisations and used for other purposes. For this reason, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche says that these centers are very precious and that whenever we engage in an action to benefit a center we are in fact benefitting all living beings.

Buddha Shakyamuni

Celebrating Buddha’s Return From Heaven


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming