KMC Glasgow retreat on the Isle of Arran

May 5, 2023

Last weekend KMC Glasgow welcomed 54 retreaters for a 4 day retreat on the Isle of Arran. Gen Cho gave teachings on the six perfections.

US Northeast Dharma Celebration 2023

May 4, 2023

Kadampas from all over the Northeast descended upon the Temple for World Peace in Glen Spey for their annual Dharma Celebration.
This year, Kadam Morten Clausen, the Eastern US National Spiritual Director of the NKT-IKBU, granted the blessing empowerment of Buddha Manjushri and taught the practice of self-generation.

Bubbles of Joy ~ A Heartwarming Family Retreat at the Mother Center

May 3, 2023

During the recent UK bank holiday, the Manjushri Family Weekend in the scenic Lake District offered a memorable experience for all who attended. Led by Gen Kelsang Dragden, the event brought families together to bond, have fun, and learn important life skills.

Chilean Dharma Celebration 2023

May 3, 2023

Last weekend people from all over Chile gathered to receive Dorje Shugden empowerment and teachings from Gen Kelsang Sangden, National Spiritual Director for Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Colombia & Chile. 

Book’s day in Spain

May 2, 2023

On Sunday, April 23, several KMCs, including KMC Barcelona, KMC Menorca, and KMC Ibiza celebrated the Book day and the festivity of Sant Jordi by being present in the local book fairs with all the works of our precious Spiritual Guide, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

Tranquil Surroundings for an Immersive Spiritual Holiday

May 1, 2023

With its tranquil surroundings, Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the teachings of the International Kadampa Spring Festival 2023.

Special event in Perú with Gen Sangden

April 30, 2023

Last weekend and for the first time in Perú, their National Spiritual Director Gen Kelsang Sangden, visited to grant the profound blessings of Buddha Vajrsattva.

Looking forward to the festival

April 29, 2023

With only one month remaining until the International Kadampa Spring Festival 2023 begins, take a moment to reflect on the unique experience of these gatherings with a series of videos from a recent International Festival at Manjushri KMC.

KMC Adelaide hosted its first away weekend retreat

April 29, 2023

Last weekend students from KMC Adelaide spent a peaceful time in the beautiful tree-filled Belair, learning together, discussing and encouraging each other.

Special weekend courses organised in Canada

April 28, 2023

Last weekend KMC Canada enjoyed a special course with guest teacher Gen Kelsang Demo, the Midwestern U.S. National Spiritual Director who taught the course ‘The Bodhisattva’s Way of Life ~ How to Enjoy a Life of Altruism’.


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source


Retreating from the busyness of our life