Scenic retreat in Norway

August 30, 2023

KMC Oslo in Norway organised mid-August weekend away retreat, this time in the beautiful mountains of Jotunheimen. During the “Mental Detox with Meditation” retreat participants increased their feelings of inner peace and love.

The story of IKRC Tara

August 29, 2023

Under the compassionate and wise guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, Tara Centre moved to Ashe Hall at in Derbyshire, UK in 1996 following fourteen years of gradual development in Buxton in the Peak District. What is the story of this place?

An Invitation to 2023 Fall Festival

August 28, 2023

Fall Festival 2023 is coming soon and in this video Gen Kelsang Chokga invites everyone to attend the Festival in the beautiful sixth Kadampa temple in Malaga.

Swiss, Italian & Austrian National Dharma Festival 2023

August 28, 2023

This year the Dharma Festival for the three countries: Switzerland, Italy and Austria, offers the special opportunity to receive the blessing empowerment of Protector Buddha, Dorje Shugden and teachings on how to draw close to him using the special sadhana Wishfulfilling Jewel.

Shetland Isles reached by Kadam Dharma

August 25, 2023

In 2018 when Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso established Kadampa Meditation Centre in Aberdeen there was a vision that the centre would serve as a hub for the whole of the North of Scotland.

Post festival retreat blessings in Spain

August 24, 2023

KMC Malaga, IKRC Menorca, KMC Barcelona and KMC Madrid have all hosted retreats following the Summer Festival. See the galleries to visit Spanish post-festival week.

Post Summer Festival blessings 2023

August 23, 2023

KMC Tharpaland, KMC Deauchen, Tara IKRC, and Madhyamaka KMC have all hosted retreats on the practices of Heruka and Vajrayogini following the International Kadampa Summer Festival 2023.

Booking for 2023 Fall Festival opening soon

August 21, 2023

At the Fall Festival 2023, which will be held October 6-12 at the Kadampa Temple for World Peace in Málaga Spain, Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, will grant the empowerment of Medicine Buddha and give teachings on the eleven reversals.

A year of changes at the Mother Centre pt.2

August 20, 2023

Changes at the Mother Centre, Manjushri KMC ~ part 2 This year, the Mother Centre of NKT-IKBU, Manjushri KMC, has been undergoing significant renovation work. See the first part of this post for the works done in the shrine, cafe area and the grounds. See this article for the reception area modernisation, offices changes, major … Read more

A year of changes at the Mother Centre part 1

August 19, 2023

This year, the Mother Centre of NKT-IKBU, Manjushri KMC, has been undergoing significant renovation work. This includes replacing the old sandstone in specific areas of the building, renovating the NKT office, painting, and transforming the main reception area. Additionally, a new extension for the World Peace Café has been built.


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source


Retreating from the busyness of our life