A New Wave of Teachers to Flourish Kadam Dharma

August 16, 2023

The students of the International Teacher Training Programme are setting forth on their next adventure to help Kadam Dharma to flourish in many different ways doing whatever is needed.

Festival Review Post

August 15, 2023

We have all settled in to festival life now and the atmosphere is relaxed with a steady rhythm of spiritual practice, volunteer work and spending time with Sangha friends or quietly contemplating the teachings.

Revisiting Festival Reels

August 15, 2023

During the Festival the Social Media team created some fun videos that captured the essence of the Festival. In case you missed them, here they are a few gathered together for you to watch.

Summer Festival Day 16

August 12, 2023

It’s the final day of the International Kadampa Summer Festival 2023. Over a thousand practitioners remain to see the very blessed Kadampa play, The Life of Buddha Shakyamuni.

Summer Festival Day 15

August 12, 2023

Its the last day of the retreat and session by session we go deeper with the blessed Heruka practice of New Essence of Vajryana

Summer Festival Day 14

August 11, 2023

Today we began our first day of retreat on the practice of Heruka Self Generation using the New Essence of Vajrayana Sadhana, skilfully guided by Gen Tonglam.

Summer Festival Day 13

August 10, 2023

We have all settled in to festival life now and the atmosphere is relaxed with a steady rhythm of spiritual practice, volunteer work and spending time with Sangha friends or quietly contemplating the teachings.

Summer Festival Day 12

August 9, 2023

Through Venerable Geshe-la’s special insight and great compassion for people throughout the world, he has created a unique and extraordinary Kadampa family.

Summer Festival Day 11

August 8, 2023

Today’s teachings were an oral transmission of the eleven yogas of Vajrayogini, which include both generation and completion stage practices.

Summer Festival Day 10

August 7, 2023

Today we came under the direct care of Vajrayogini and received her powerful blessings during the wonderful Vajrayogini empowerment.


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source


Retreating from the busyness of our life