Three International Kadampa Festivals to look forward to in 2024!

October 21, 2023

There are three International Kadampa Festivals to look forward to in 2024, including one in Brazil! Read on to find out more and to put the dates in your diary for your spiritual holidays next year.

Revisiting the Fall Festival videos

October 20, 2023

Take a few minutes to enjoy the Fall Festival video collection. Revisit KMC Spain, the beautiful Kadampa Temple and the happiness that comes at a Festival where everyone is focussing on holy Dharma.

Increasing Lifespan, Wisdom, and Merit in South America

October 19, 2023

In the upcoming weeks, a valuable opportunity will be available to the people of South America. The National Festivals in Brazil, Argentina, and Chile will feature the practice of Buddha Amitayus, the Buddha of Long Life, Wisdom, and Merit.

The visit to NKT’s new property in Granada

October 17, 2023

At the end of the NKT International Fall Festival, some of the Festival goers took the opportunity to visit a beautiful building that has been bought by NKT in Granada.

Who is our Medicine Guru?

October 14, 2023

The Fall Festival 2023 is now complete and we take this opportunity to share a video excerpt of a teaching by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso given in New York 2006.

Fall Festival Day 7

October 13, 2023

It’s been a very special, blessed festival, and now like a pure dream, the festival draws to a close, but leaves everyone forever changed.

Fall Festival Day 6

October 12, 2023

After receiving a wealth of teachings, we complete the Festival with a day and a half of retreat beautifully and skilfully guided by Gen Rabten. The emphasis is on the first of the eleven reversals, taking us step by step through the meditation on relying on the Spiritual Guide from the book Mirror of Dharma with additions. He gives everyone a lot of time to contemplate, find their own object of meditation and meditate to deepen our familiarity with that object. Then we engage in the Medicine Buddha Sadhana as an extension of our faith, visualising our Spiritual Guide in this pure, healing aspect. Each day concludes with the Medicine Buddha Prayers, where we use the connection we have made with Medicine Guru to make powerful prayers and visualisations to heal the mental continuum of all living beings.

Fall Festival Day 5

October 11, 2023

After another wonderful meditation session on Medicine Buddha we had the final two teachings from Gen-la Khyenrab. In the first teaching he completed the commentary to the practice of the 11 reversals.

Fall Festival Day 4

October 10, 2023

Alongside the practice of Medicine Buddha, we are learning about the Eleven Reversals. As Gen-la Khyenrab explained this is another way of dividing up and practising Lamrim.

Fall Festival Day 3

October 9, 2023

Everyone is enjoying their spiritual holiday in the beautiful environment of KMC Spain. Venerable Geshe-la often called our festivals spiritual holidays because he saw it gave us a very meaningful opportunity not only to be immersed in the teachings but to enjoy a relaxing time with spiritual friends in a blessed environment


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source


Retreating from the busyness of our life

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Shining Open Days in Malaga