Kadam Dharma flourishing in Colorado

October 15, 2021

KMC Colorado has moved to a new location in the Slo-Hi area of Denver. With so many people in the area seeking teachings and meditations, they outgrew their space in Cap Hill of nearly almost 20 years.

Finding real protection in the mind

October 14, 2021

KMC Barcelona recently held a wonderful weekend on refuge at their retreat center in Montserrat. Over 100 people attended in-person and online.

Fall Festival online shop now open

October 13, 2021

The online Fall Festival page is now live, offering everything you need to support your practice during and after the Festival including the brand new sadhana, The Path to Heaven, which will be taught at the Festival.

Silence & art in the mountains

October 12, 2021

Recently at IKRC Kailash IRC Gen Devi, the Resident Teacher, guided a powerful 10-day retreat on Mahamudra Tantra. This was followed by a wonderful weekend course on Buddhist Art with Beat and Yolanda.

News from KMC Granada

October 11, 2021

On October 8, Tara Day, Tara KBC in Granada, Spain became KMC Granada. The new center also has a new Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Dewang.

Kadam Dharma touching hearts in Israel

October 10, 2021

Just over a year ago, Daniel, a student at KMC New York, was requested to teach online to a group of people in Israel. Now he is living in Tel Aviv as the Teacher gathering many dedicated students.

Everyone is welcome at Kadampa centers

October 9, 2021

In a sign that things are starting to return to normal, Kadampa centers around the world are organising special events to welcome members of the public to enjoy the center in informal settings such as ‘Food for thought’, ‘Sunday Out’ and ‘Open House’. These occasions give people an opportunity to see round the center, try some meditation and enjoy a specially prepared meal or a visit to the World Peace Café. Here we share some wonderful photos from four recent events at centers in Europe.

Abiding in the Truth Body, the blissful Pure Land

October 8, 2021

Today, Tara Day, as hundreds of Kadampas around the world engage in 24-hour Tara prayers, our thoughts naturally turn to the Fall Festival in two weeks time when Gen-la Dekyong will grant the blessing empowerment of Buddha Tara and teach a rare and precious practice in association with her.

Where will you be attending Fall Festival 2021?

October 7, 2021

The 2021 Fall Festival Online is being broadcast live from Manjushri KMC and then re-broadcast to various Festival hubs in different time zones around the world. And many of these hubs offer the chance to stay at the center and take part in a ‘mini festival’ in their Temple, listening, meditating and discussing with other like-minded people. Below are some of the Centers offering Festival Getaways. Which one will you choose?

Kadampa Art Studio Training Course

October 6, 2021

The New Kadampa Tradition – International Kadampa Buddhist Union is developing many Temples and Kadampa Meditation Centers internationally. There is a need for more skilled individuals to help with such projects, therefore the Kadampa Art Studio will be offering a six month Statue Production Training Course to develop a foundation of experience for Kadampas wishing to contribute to these auspicious projects.

Buddha Shakyamuni

Celebrating Buddha’s Return From Heaven


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming