IKRC Grand Canyon, two years on

October 5, 2021

It has been just two years since we enjoyed the 2019 Fall Festival in Arizona and celebrated the opening of the fifth Kadampa Temple for World Peace at IKRC International Kadampa Retreat Center Grand Canyon.

Are you planning a post-Fall Festival retreat?

October 4, 2021

After each International Festival, Kadampa centers around the world organise post-Festival retreats providing an opportunity to spend some time improving our understanding of the teachings and taking their meaning to heart.

21 ~ The golden lantern and much more

October 3, 2021

In the last update we saw the lantern tower and crowning vajra installed. This time we see the lantern adorned with golden glass and then the golden ‘hips’ installed bringing the lantern. virtually to completion How precious!

Double celebration in the US

October 2, 2021

Last weekend witnessed two wonderful Dharma Celebrations in the US on the theme of compassion, with Gen Kelsang Demo teaching at the Midwest Dharma Celebration in Wisconsin, and Kadam Morten Clausen teaching at the Southern Dharma Celebration in Georgia.

Opening the doors to happiness in Seville

October 1, 2021

Saturday September 18, 2021 was an unforgettable day in the history of Seville, when a new chapter unfolded. With the opening of the new City Temple of KMC Seville, the doors to happiness were opened for the people of this city.

Quebec Dharma Celebration with Gen-la Khyenrab

September 30, 2021

The Québec Dharma Celebration took place last weekend. Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired General Spiritual Director of NKT and National Spiritual Director of Canada, granted the empowerment of Vajrasattva and taught on karma and purification.

A weekend of firsts in Spain

September 29, 2021

This weekend witnessed firsts in two cities in Spain. In Málaga in the south of Spain, the first empowerment was given at the urban Temple, and in Girona in the north, the first empowerment was given in the city.

UK Dharma Celebration 2021

September 28, 2021

This weekend, hundreds of people enjoyed the UK Dharma Celebration both in person and online with Kadam Bridget Heyes, NKT-IKBU National Spiritual Director for UK and Ireland.

A true foundation for happiness

September 27, 2021

The Foundation Program is one of the three study programs that are the core of Modern Kadampa Buddhism. It is deeply appreciated by thousands of people around the world, for whom it often has hugely beneficial life-changing results.

Realising an amazing vision in Mexico

September 26, 2021

Cuernavaca KMC in Mexico has new space and an amazing vision

Buddha Shakyamuni

Celebrating Buddha’s Return From Heaven


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming