More travellers on the path to heaven

November 8, 2021

Photos and a video from three more post Fall Festival retreats at: Tara IKRC, Kailash IKRC and Tharpaland KMC.

International Temples Project

Celebrating Temples

November 6, 2021

Six beautiful new web pages celebrating six extraordinary buildings

KMC New York expands

November 5, 2021

As demand for the teachings and practices of Kadam Dharma continues to grow, new centers are opening around the world while others are undergoing extension. Here we feature a center engaged in major expansion work – KMC New York.

Post fall festival retreats in Spain

November 4, 2021

Taking this year’s Fall Festival teachings to heart with Guen Kelsang Chogka at KMC Spain in Málaga and Gen Kelsang Rabten at KMC Barcelona in Montserrat.

Relaxing for World Peace

November 1, 2021

The first World Peace Cafe (WPC) was opened in Ulverston 20 years ago by Manjushri KMC at the suggestion of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Since then many new WPCs have been opened around the world, and they are now a regular feature at Kadampa centers both in cities and in rural locations.

Featured Book ~ Ocean of Nectar

October 30, 2021

This month’s featured book is Ocean of Nectar, the first complete explanation in English of the renowned Indian Buddhist Master, Chandrakirti’s Guide to the Middle Way, a precious Mahayana scripture, which to this day is regarded as the principal presentation of Buddha’s profound view of emptiness, the ultimate nature of reality.

Fall Festival 2021 Diaries ~ review

October 29, 2021

With the International Fall Festival 2021 now completed this is a great time to look back over the Diaries.

Day 7 ~ Fall Festival 2021

October 28, 2021

With the last two sessions of retreat this morning, the 2021 International Fall Festival draws to a close. Now is the time to take all these wonderful teachings and meditations into our daily life. As Gen-la said, to go back to our centers and continue our study and practice, but most of all, continue sharing this precious Dharma with our local community by helping with the work of our center.

Day 6 ~ Fall Festival 2021

October 27, 2021

Yesterday, we received the concluding teaching of the Festival in which Gen-la Dekyong gave an explanation of the fifth basis of the path to liberation, ultimate truth emptiness. In the afternoon, the Festival moved into a different mode as we sat with Gen Rabten to take the precious teachings to heart in the first retreat sessions.

Day 5 ~ Fall Festival 2021

October 26, 2021

Yesterday Gen-la gave another two extraordinary teachings. In the first she taught how to gain deep familiarity with the practice over many sessions, each time staying longer with the experience of our mind mixed with the bliss and emptiness at the heart of Guru Tara, our destination. And in the second – how to understand the emptiness of the self.

Buddha Shakyamuni

Celebrating Buddha’s Return From Heaven


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming