City Temples – transforming commercial spaces into holy places

November 3, 2018

On the first Saturday of November we celebrate the work of the International Temples Project, a global charity inaugurated by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche to promote the development of Kadampa Buddhism worldwide. To mark the occasion we are sharing a short video showing the work of the ITP in opening City Temples around the … Read more

Enjoying retreat at an International Retreat Center

November 2, 2018

Enjoying retreat at an International Retreat Center NKT-IKBU currently has four International Retreat Centers – Tharpland IRC in Germany, IRC Dharma Kadam in Menorca, Kailash IRC in Switzerland, and IKRC Grand Canyon in USA – with more planned for the future. These are all very blessed places providing ideal conditions for both short and long … Read more

Where does the gold come from?

November 1, 2018

Where does the gold come from? View photo gallery The first thing you see when you approach a Temple is the glistening gold of the vajras, deer and Dharma wheels. If you have been following the posts from the Kadampa Art Studio in recent weeks you will have seen how hours and hours of sanding … Read more

TempleWatch 4

October 30, 2018

Unseasonal snow, temple pillars, prayers, retreat and awesome sunset In the two weeks since the last update the walls for the four doorways were completed and work began on constructing the steel framework, beginning with the installation of the eight pillars. The day work began on the pillars, unseasonal snow fell, but undeterred the intrepid … Read more

What’s happening at KMC Texas?

October 29, 2018

With just over a week to go before the Southwest Dharma Celebration begins at KMC Texas, this is a good time to remember the development of their new building and its opening in February 2017. There has been a Kadampa Dharma Center in the Dallas area since 1994, when Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche founded … Read more

Freedom from all fear with Gen-la Khyenrab

October 28, 2018

Besides his busy schedule with international festivals and his ongoing duties as Resident Teacher of KMC Canada in Toronto, Gen-la Khyenrab is also the NKT-IKBU National Spiritual Director of Canada. In a country as vast as Canada, this is a huge responsibility, and one that Gen-la takes as seriously as everything else he does. In … Read more

Studiowatch 1

October 27, 2018

Take a look at the activity in the Kadampa Art Studio over the last couple of weeks. With the full-time staff and volunteers together there can be over 30 people working there at any one time, unceasingly producing statues and art for Kadampa Temples around the world. Here we see a Dharma wheel being prepared, … Read more

Presenting Venerable Geshe-la’s collected works

October 26, 2018

Tharpa Publications at Manjushri KMC has just taken delivery of a number of pallets containing new slipcases for presenting Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche’s books in Temples.. If you look at photos of the new Brisbane KMC you will see there are two sets of the collected works of Venerable Geshe-la in the shrine, one … Read more

The magical benefits of relying sincerely on the oral instructions of Guru Je Tsongkhapa

October 25, 2018

in Mirror of Dharma, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Rinpoche says: If we sincerely rely on Je Tsongkhapa and put his oral instructions into practice with strong faith, we will attain enlightenment very quickly. The great practitioner Gyalwa Ensapa and many of his followers attained enlightenment within three years through sincerely practising the oral instructions of Je … Read more

Drawing closer to Vajrayogini

October 24, 2018

Two special opportunities to enjoy the Highest Yoga Tantra practice of Vajrayogini with Gen-la Dekyong at Manjushri KMC. Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong the Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU and Resident Teacher at Manjushri KMC will teach a weekend course and lead a two-week retreat at Manjushri KMC in the coming weeks. Opening the Door of Keajra Heaven … Read more


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