Auspicious beginnings to the year
Jan 18, 2025
Over the last few days 130 people have gathered at KMC New York for the annual end of year retreat with Gen Samten, the Resident Teacher.
Always a popular event, this year people came from as far afield as China to enjoy the relaxed and joyful gathering during which Gen Samten granted the empowerment of Buddha Manjushri and guided a retreat on exchanging self with others.
In his introduction Gen Samten reminded us that we are here to help others and to change ourself. He encouraged everyone to think about how we can do things differently in the new year. In particular, he encouraged us to look for the mischief maker ‘I’ in every situation and oppose it with the wisdom lineage of exchanging self with others.
Gen Samten explained how the duality of self and other creates all conflicts and difficulties because when someone agrees with us we develop attachment, and when they don't we become angry.
To help us oppose this duality he suggested focusing especially on two of the six perfections: giving and wisdom. The practice of giving is a simple entry point for dissolving the duality of self and other, and wisdom destroys the root of this duality.
To reinforce this, we began each meditation session by imagining giving away everything we have and tasting the freedom that comes from letting go of what is not really ours anyway.
‘Gen Samten's guidance is so incredible. I feel like I finally got the object of meditation - and it was fantastic. I was able to identify the root of all our suffering as self cherishing and I've never really looked at it that deeply before. I feel that now I can really start to work on exchanging self with others!’
Cindy, Georgia
‘Because of the teachings on exchanging self with others I now better understand the nature of suffering and especially addiction. As my wisdom increases it's my wish to help others increase their own wisdom that understands the true nature of suffering.’
Antonio, Rhode Island
Soon KMC New York begins its Winter Retreats. To find out more about this and other activities at KMCNY visit their website at