Prajnaparamita empowerment and retreat with Gen Devi

This weekend at Tharpaland IRC over 100 people had the opportunity to receive the blessing empowerment of the Great Mother Prajnaparamita with Gen Kelsang Devi, the Resident Teacher.

People came from all over the world as well as from the local community to enjoy this special event, which concluded with a short retreat to see in the New Year.

Gen Devi shared light-hearted yet profound teachings on the true nature of reality and guided peaceful meditations on the practice of the Great Mother.

Everyone enjoyed this powerful weekend and left encouraged and empowered to put the teachings into practice.

Now Tharpaland has settled into the 20th annual Snows Retreat. Find out more at

IKRC Grand Canyon USA

Kadampa International Retreat Centres – Places of Deep Insight


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January at Manjushri KMC

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Powerful retreats in the snows