The website for the 2019 International Fall Festival is now updated

November 14, 2018

You will find up-to-date information on dates, program, prices, accommodation options and much more. Booking for the Festival will go live on December 15. You can save yourself a lot of time by making sure your booking account is up-to-date. Either create a new account or update an existing account today. Just follow the links … Read more

Opening the door to Buddha’s Pure Land in Edinburgh

November 13, 2018

Opening the door to Buddha’s Pure Land in Edinburgh This weekend saw the opening of KMC Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong the General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU. Since acquiring the building, which previously was home to a bespoke supplier of paints, the community have worked extremely hard to transform it into … Read more

Welcome to the 5th tier!

November 11, 2018

Welcome to the Fifth tier! Watch this amazing video from IKRC Arizona as the structure for the fifth tier of the Temple is put in place. Even though the various elements were manufactured off-site, when they were assembled and lowered into place it was a perfect fit! A powerful testimony to the great skill of … Read more

Asian Festival & Tharpa Asia

November 10, 2018

Asian Festival & Tharpa Asia The works of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche are published by Tharpa Publications, which currently publishes them in 14 languages and distributes through 17 websites worldwide. In the run up to the Asian Festival in Hong Kong in December this year, we take a brief look at Tharpa Asia, which … Read more

How to keep a happy mind, no matter what happens

November 9, 2018

How to keep a happy mind, no matter what happens On Wednesday the people of Buenos Aires were treated to an inspiring public talk by Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, as he continued his tour of South American countries. 245 people attended the talk, which was entitled ‘Tips on how to keep … Read more

How amazing to have a method to purify our negative karma

November 8, 2018

How amazing to have a method to purify our negative karma This weekend, people from all over Ireland gathered at Clayton Hotel in Dublin for the 2018 Irish Dharma Celebration with Kadam Bridget Heyes, the NKT National Spiritual Director for the UK and Ireland. In the atmospheric Thomas Prior Hall, Kadam Bridget granted the empowerment … Read more

Medicine for the mind

November 7, 2018

Medicine for the mind The US Midwest Dharma Celebration, entitled Medicine for the MInd, was held this weekend at Kadampa Meditation Center Madison with Gen Kelsang Demo the NKT-IKBU Midwestern US National Spiritual Director. Gen Demo granted the empowerment of Medicine Buddha and taught how to use the practice to benefit both ourself and others. … Read more

Branching out in Bogotá

November 6, 2018

  KADAM DHARMA IN SOUTH AMERICA Branching out in Bogotá KMC Colombia recently began to extend its reach in the Bogotá area with a phased programme of public talks eventually leading to four new branches around the city – in Niza, Cedritos, Teusaquillo, and Cajicá. These talks are also given in the main center in … Read more

A deeply peaceful experience

November 5, 2018

  KADAM DHARMA IN SOUTH AMERICA A deeply peaceful experience This weekend, less than six months after opening their new center in Santiago, KMC Chile, hosted the Chile National Kadampa Festival with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, the Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU. Gen-la Jampa granted the empowerment of Buddha Maitreya and gave teachings on loving kindness … Read more

The three spheres of our spiritual life

November 4, 2018

The three spheres of our spiritual life Understanding how we can be part of the International Temples Project Last night in the Temple for World Peace at Manjushri KMC was special. We enjoyed an informal evening with Gen-la Dekyong, Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, to celebrate the work of the International Temples Project. On the menu … Read more


Retreating from the busyness of our life

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Shining Open Days in Malaga

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The blessings of Arya Tara pervading our world


Swiss–Italian–Austrian National Festival 2024