Latest news on Fall Festival 2019

November 27, 2018

IKRC Grand Canyon accommodations, Festival hotels, shuttles and much more

Updates from the Kadampa Art Studio – November 26, 2018

November 26, 2018

You can see from the joy in their faces and the focus in their work that the people who work there are motivated by something very pure

The blessings of Mother Tara

November 24, 2018

370 people gathered in the World Trade Center in Mexico City to receive empowerment and teachings on Arya Tara from Guen Kelsang Sangden

Projections of the mind – teachings by Gen-la Kunsang

November 22, 2018

We instinctively feel that the world exists ‘out there’, independent of the mind that perceives it, but in reality the world in which we live is merely a projection of our mind.

Gen-la Khyenrab in Ontario – powerful blessings

November 21, 2018

Gen-la Khyenrab, retired NKT-IKBU General Spiritual Director and National Spiritual Director for Canada, recently completed a tour of public talks in Ontario culminating with the Ontario Dharma Celebration in the beautiful Temple at KMC Canada in Toronto.

Arya Tara in Brazil

November 20, 2018

Gen-la Jampa, the Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, just concluded his highly successful visit to South America with the Brazilian Festival at the magnificent Temple for World Peace in Cabreúva, São Paulo.

TempleWatch 5

November 18, 2018

With the 5th tier in place the construction workers were able to install the rest of the steel for the other four tiers and then place the structure for the lantern base on top.

The wisdom light of Manjushri shines on South Africa

November 17, 2018

As we have seen in previous posts, Kadam Dharma is touching the hearts of many people in South Africa through the work of the Kadampa centers in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg.

Dorje Shugden in Texas

November 16, 2018

This weekend people from all over the southwest USA gathered at KMC Texas for the Southwest Dharma Celebration with Gen Kelsang Rigpa, the Western US National Spiritual Director.

Kadam Dharma is flourishing in Argentina

November 15, 2018

This weekend the Argentina National Festival was held in Buenos Aires with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, the Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU.


Retreating from the busyness of our life

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Shining Open Days in Malaga

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The blessings of Arya Tara pervading our world


Swiss–Italian–Austrian National Festival 2024