Post festival retreat blessings around the world

August 21, 2022

KMC France, Nagarjuna KMC and KMC Seville have all hosted retreats following the Summer Festival.

Ask a Buddhist Teacher: How did you become a Buddhist nun?

August 20, 2022

Gen Kelsang Choma, Resident Teacher at KMC San Francisco, answers “How did you become a Buddhist nun?”

Volunteering – a precious opportunity

August 19, 2022

Many Kadampa centers offer opportunities to take part in volunteer visits – helping out with the work of the center in exchange for accommodation, meals and participation in the spiritual program.

International retreat at the sixth Kadampa Temple for World Peace in Málaga

August 17, 2022

Kadam Morten Clausen, Eastern US National Spiritual Director and Resident Teacher at KMC New York City, is guiding a post summer festival retreat on Clear Light of Bliss in the newly inaugurated Temple at KMC Spain in Málaga.

Ask a Buddhist teacher: How can I acknowledge suffering without being overwhelmed by it?

August 16, 2022

Gen Kelsang Demo, Midwestern US National Spiritual Director and the Resident Teacher at KMC Washington DC, answers “How can I acknowledge suffering without being overwhelmed by it?”

A look back at week 2 of the Festival

August 15, 2022

Now the Summer Festival 2022 has come to an end, this is a great opportunity to look back over the Diaries of the past week and review the teachings, videos and photo galleries.

A timeless message from Venerable Geshe-la

August 14, 2022

On the final morning of the International Summer Festival 2022, everyone gathered in the Temple to watch the video presentation of the play of The Life of Buddha.

Here we share the talk Venerable Geshe-la gave at the end of the live presentation in 2009 – a precious teaching we will never tire of hearing.

Day 15 ~ The source of all joy

August 13, 2022

Every time we take part in an International Festival we are reminded of the immense kindness of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche from whom everything meaningful arises.

From the very depths of our hearts we thank you Venerable Geshe-la. You are in every respect the source of all joy.

Day 14 ~ Festival Take Away

August 12, 2022

From the sheer joy of being able to gather again after such a long break through the amazing teachings and Festival experiences, for many people Summer Festival 2022 has been life-changing. Here we share some of their reactions.

Day 13 ~ Books that speak to everyone

August 11, 2022

Clear Light of Bliss is the very first book by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche published by Tharpa Publications. Since then Venerable Geshe-la has written 22 other books, which are now being translated into many different languages and distributed throughout the world.


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source