Special event this December at the Mother Center

November 20, 2023

Join us at the Mother Center this December for the blessing empowerment of Je Tsongkhapa and teachings on the special Kadampa prayer “Request to the Holy Spiritual Guide Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche from his Faithful Disciples”, including teachings on close retreat.

Two special events in Switzerland 🇨🇭

November 19, 2023

A 10 day silent retreat in the Swiss mountains with Gen Devi with endless mountain vistas, the first snowfall and the peaceful light of the full moon and a weekend course in Zurich with visiting teacher Gen Dragpa on the Wheel of Life.

The South African Dharma Celebration 2023

November 18, 2023

Last weekend Tushita KMC in Cape Town, South Africa, we were very blessed with Genla Kelsang Kunsang coming to grant the empowerment of Buddha Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden and give teachings on how faith is a real wishfulfilling jewel.

How Compassion Makes the World Better

November 18, 2023

Our world needs compassion. Buddha’s complete compassion manifests itself in the form of Avalokiteshvara, the union of all enlightened beings. At the German Festival 2023, Gen-la Kunsang will bestow the blessing empowerment and provide a commentary on the practice of Buddha Avalokiteshvara.

Blessings Pervading Our World

November 17, 2023

Empowerments in Kadampa Centers are always special celebrations, bringing the community together to participate in a unique blessing ceremony. Kadampa Centers in Madrid and Alicante, Spain, as well as New York, USA, organized Empowerments of Buddha Vajrapani, the Buddha of Spiritual Power.

Promoting Inner Peace Across the USA

November 16, 2023

In two distant parts of the USA – Phoenix in Arizona and Boston in Massachusetts – Kadampa communities organized special events to promote inner peace and celebrate their activities. The 20th-anniversary celebration of KMC Phoenix and the Guest Teacher visit to KMC Boston welcomed many participants.

National Festival in Argentina – Joyful Gathering in Buenos Aires

November 15, 2023

This November, participants from across Argentina and Uruguay delighted in their 8th Dharma National Festival, guided by the NKT-IKBU General Spiritual Director, Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong. The attendees received the blessing empowerment of Buddha Amitayus, the Buddha of Long Life, Merit, and Wisdom. How wonderful!

Bonus Bulletin – Nov 14

November 14, 2023

Read about some of the other activities taking place all over the world recently.

KMC New York | KMC Adelaide | KMC London | Wisdom KBC | Samudra KBC | Nagaryhuna KBC

The New Centre in São Paulo is Open!

November 13, 2023

Grand opening of the new Centre in Sao Paulo was inaugurated by a public talk with the General Spititual Director of the NKT РGen-la Dekyong Рand a ceremony opening the new space in the heart of the city. Celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2023, Kadampa Meditation Center Mahabodhi, situated in Ṣo Paulo, holds historical significance as the Centre where the precious Kadam Dharma first took root in Brazil.

Empowerments Happening Around the Globe

November 11, 2023

A wonderful opportunities for the practitioners around the globe arisen past weekend, where participants – those new and those with more experience received blessing Empowerments of Buddha Vajrapani at KMC Sidney Australia, Buddha Shakyamuni at KMC Fort Lauderdale in Florida, USA and Buddha Shakyamuni at Nagarjuna KMC Leicester in UK.


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source


Retreating from the busyness of our life

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Shining Open Days in Malaga