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06 February 2024

Close retreats in Portugal and Chile

As January ended, students of KMC Deuachen were rejoicing in the completion of their close retreat of Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka. Meanwhile over 10,000km away, students of KMC Chile were very happy to be starting their close retreat!

KMC Deuachen

KMC Deuachen began the year 2024 reciting and counting 100,000 Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka mantras.
The retreat began under the auspices of a beautiful rainbow delighting retreaters. For a two-week period, the Temple was transformed into the Pure Land of Buddha Heruka by sincere Kadampa disciples making continual requests with faithful minds, wishing to improve themselves for the benefit of all living beings. To conclude the retreat we engaged in Vajradaka burning offering.

The retreat was guided by Gen Kelsang Rigden and when it was completed, the general feeling was one of rejoicing at the achievement and immense gratitude to Venerable Geshe-la for bestowing such a powerful practice on us.

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KMC-Chile-GSBH retreat2

Ten fortunate practitioners started the Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka close retreat in KMC Chile on February 1st. With relaxed and faithful minds every day they are getting closer to collecting 100,000 recitations of the mantra of this extraordinary enlightened Deity introduced to us by our most precious Spiritual Guide, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. What inconceivable great kindness! May we, with his blessings, be able to repay this kindness.

We rejoice in the great good fortune of these practitioners - may they have a beautiful and meaningful retreat. We dedicate so that more and more people in this world can meet Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka and enjoy his powerful presence.

NKT-IKBU - New Kadampa Tradition - Nagarjuna KMC - UKDC 2024 -9754

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