Loving kindness in northern Spain

September 11, 2018

Especially through my meditation on the three aspects of love May I always care for all living beings without exception, Be free from outer and inner obstructing maras, And attain the state of the Buddha of Loving Kindness. With these words from The Yoga of Buddha Maitreya, Guen Kelsang Chokga encouraged us to integrate the … Read more

An extraordinary event in the Swiss mountains

September 10, 2018

This weekend was a perfect spiritual holiday for those fortunate enough to attend the annual Swiss-Italian-Austrian Kadampa Festival. It was in every respect an extraordinary event: Extraordinary Teacher – Gen-la Dekyong, the Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU Extraordinary Teachings – Empowerment and commentary to the practice of Medicine Buddha Extraordinary Location – the breathtaking Kailash International … Read more

A new Tharpa website

September 8, 2018

Tharpa Brasil has launched a new website offering a full range of books, sadhanas, art and audio products and now downloadable products in Portuguese. Explore the new site at tharpa.com/br The new site joins a family of 16 international Tharpa websites offering books and other products in 8 languages. To browse all sites visit tharpa.com

Last night in Malaga

September 7, 2018

Modern Kadampa Buddhism meets the people in the heart of the city Last night the people of Malaga enjoyed an inspiring public talk with Gen Rabjor in the new Urban Temple. The Temple was filled with people curious to discover how Modern Kadampa Buddhism can help them with their busy modern lives. Even those who … Read more

Fall Festival – 30 days to go, 3 magical reasons for going

September 5, 2018

1. Magical teachings Buddha Amitayus Empowerment and teachings on The New Eight Steps to Happiness with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab. Through the empowerment of Buddha Amitayus we will receive the blessings of long life, wisdom and merit. Then through practising the teachings on The New Eight Steps to Happiness we can transform our life into a … Read more

After the festival, time to absorb

August 26, 2018

After each of the three International Festivals, local Kadampa centers around the world organise follow-up retreats to give participants time to absorb the meaning of the teachings and empowerments they have just received.

The magic continues . . .

August 19, 2018

The Festival magic continues with the International Fall Festival in the enchanting town of Sintra in Portugal, October 5-11, 2018.

Fall Festival 2018 Newsletter – Important Booking Information

June 15, 2018

Booking for the 2018 International Fall Festival opens on 21 June at 1pm (UK time). Read the latest information in the Newsletter.

2018 Fall Festival website is now LIVE!

June 9, 2018

This year’s International Fall Festival will be held at the beautiful Kadampa World Peace Temple in Sintra, Portugal, 5 – 11 October. Booking opens 21 June, at 1pm (UK time). Visit the website for more details.

Latest Spring & Summer Festival news

April 15, 2018

Read the latest news about early booking discounts, new accommodation options, travel services and more.

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Shining Open Days in Malaga

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The blessings of Arya Tara pervading our world


Swiss–Italian–Austrian National Festival 2024


Beneficial Public Talks around the world