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03 December 2018

The rainy weather did nothing to dampen the spirits of those fortunate enough to be at Manjushri KMC this weekend.

Everyone present was extremely moved by Gen-la’s heartfelt teachings on the yoga of inconceivability and deeply immersed in the meditations led by Gen Tharpa.

And between sessions everywhere you would see people huddling over tea to discuss the practice and deepen their understanding. It was like a mini festival.

In her final teaching on Sunday, Gen-la explained the meaning of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche’s encouragement to apply the five forces.

Venerable Geshe-la assures us that by gaining deep familiarity with the preparatory practices and the actual practice of this uncommon yoga through continually applying effort and receiving the powerful blessings of Heruka and Vajrayogini, practitioners will reach the Pure Land of Keajra with this human body.

The event continues until Tuesday lunchtime with the retreat attended by over 100 people.

Gen-la’s next weekend course at Manjushri KMC is March 1-3, when she will grant Manjushri empowerment and teach how to dispel the darkness of our mind. For more information and booking visit – https://manjushri.org/gsd-courses.


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