Festival countdown – Just 3 days to go

October 2, 2018

As you can see the final set up and cleaning is well under way thanks to the unflinching efforts of the local volunteers in Sintra. A big thanks to everyone who has helped over the last few weeks to make the Festival site so welcoming. Please enjoy these delightful photos taken by our intrepid 12-year … Read more

Planning a post-festival retreat?

October 1, 2018

After each of the three International Festivals, local Kadampa centers around the world organise follow-up retreats to give participants time to absorb the meaning of the teachings and empowerments they have just received. If you are thinking of joining a retreat, here is a list of the post Fall Festival retreats for this year. Hope … Read more

Three big words – the meaning of a KMC

September 30, 2018

In this excerpt from her teachings in Brisbane, Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong the General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU gives a powerful explanation of the meaning and purpose of a Kadampa Meditation Center (KMC). She provides precious insights into the extraordinary intention of Venerable Geshe-la to establish a city temple in every city of the world. See … Read more

The city temple

September 30, 2018

A place where all the conditions are conducive to inner peace In many ways the new KMC in Brisbane is a prototype for future city temples. As you will see from this inspiring video with Gen Rabten the Resident Teacher, NKT-IKBU has put a great deal of thought into the design and functionality of the … Read more

Art from the UK, four doorways appearing, tea with the neighbors

September 29, 2018

A lot can happen in two weeks! Watch this 90 second video to catch up on the latest developments at IKRC Grand Canyon in Arizona. A consignment of art from the Kadampa Art Studio at Manjushri KMC in the UK arrived and is being made ready for gilding by the team of artists onsite. The … Read more

The first Kadampa temple in Africa

September 28, 2018

Created through the kindness and vision of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, Tushita KMC in Cape Town is the first Kadampa temple in Africa. The building was purchased by NKT-IKBU in March 2017, and after a year-long renovation project was opened in May 2018 by Gen-la Jampa, the deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU. Besides the … Read more

Tracy’s story – volunteering at the art studio

September 27, 2018

Tracy hails originally from Harbin, China and now lives in Toronto, where she works in banking. She met Kadam Dharma eight years ago in Toronto and is a regular at Kadampa Meditation Centre Canada. Tracy is taking a year off from work to visit other Kadampa centres around the world. We caught up with her … Read more

Nordic KMC one year on

September 26, 2018

It is almost a year since the new urban temple in Oslo was opened by Gen-la Dekyong the General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU. Nordic Kadampa Meditation Centre is the principal Kadampa center for the Nordic region. Located in the heart of Oslo at Majorstuveien 26, it offers meditation courses, retreats and social events open to … Read more

Rainbows, blessings and disappearing flowers

September 25, 2018

It was a magical weekend in Copenhagen for the 2018 Nordic Dharma Celebration with dramatic rainbows appearing on the Saturday, Buddha’s Return from Heaven Day. People from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland and the UK gathered at KMC Copenhagen to receive the blessing empowerment of Wisdom Buddha Manjushri and a commentary to the practice Treasury … Read more

A warm welcome awaits

September 24, 2018

With less than two weeks to go before the Fall Festival begins, work is well under way preparing for this special event with joyful, warm-hearted people from many countries helping out. A truck of essential equipment has been loaded at the mother centre, Manjushri KMC in the UK, and is on its way to Portugal. … Read more


Retreating from the busyness of our life

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Shining Open Days in Malaga

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