Inspiring glimpses

October 13, 2018

At the beginning of the Fall Festival, Gen-la Khyenrab read out a message from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche welcoming everyone to the Festival and explaining the importance and purpose of the three international Kadampa Festivals. Watch this video in which Gen-la reads out the message and enjoy some inspiring glimpses of this remarkable Festival.

Health, happiness and harmony

October 12, 2018

Today is the last day of the Festival and, as is customary, we concluded with a viewing of the video of The Life of Buddha. As Venerable Geshe-la says in his talk at the end, this is not an ordinary play but a correct direction we should take if we want to accomplish the real … Read more

Retreat – the icing on the cake

October 11, 2018

Today we enjoyed the first full day of retreat on the Yoga of Buddha Amitayus. It is such a privilege to be able to spend time with so many sincere meditators taking the teachings to heart and mixing our mind with their meaning. The retreat is led by Gen Kelsang Chogka, the NKT-IKBU National Spiritual … Read more

Discovering the real meaning of inner peace

October 10, 2018

‘Inspiring’, ‘Refreshing’, ‘Relaxing,’ ‘Profound’. We asked people what their experience of the Festival has been and these are just a few of the universally positive responses we received. The extraordinary empowerments, teachings and meditations have taken us to a place of profound inner peace. And the kindness, joy and inspiring company of everyone attending the … Read more

Creating a pure world through Kadam lojong

October 9, 2018

Today Gen-la began teaching Kadam lojong, which is part of Kadam lamrim, based on Venerable Geshe-la’s book,The New Eight Steps to Happiness. By relying on the practices of lojong, or training the mind, we can solve all our daily problems and complete the path to enlightenment. Gen-la emphasized that these are not two different processes … Read more

The oral instruction of the Yoga of Buddha Amitayus

October 8, 2018

Today Gen-la gave a brief commentary to the precious practice of the Yoga of Buddha Amitayus, which Venerable Geshe-la himself composed many years ago before coming to the West. Gen-la said that Venerable Geshe-la told him that this practice is a precious oral instruction. This sadhana includes all the essential practices of generation and completion … Read more

Entering the magical path of Tantra

October 7, 2018

This afternoon Gen-la Khyenrab demonstrated the liberating and creative power of meditation on emptiness as he guided us through the stages of the Amitayus empowerment. Once we realize that everything is merely appearance to mind, we can abandon ordinary, impure appearances and through the power of correct imagination generate ourself as a completely pure being … Read more

A beautiful dream begins

October 7, 2018

Last night Gen-la Khyenrab introduced the Fall Festival with a clear and practical explanation of Buddhist view, intention and practice. Gen-la emphasised the importance of developing sincere refuge in Buddha by contemplating his teachings again and again until our mind changes and we gain actual realisations. This is the key to pure Buddhist practice. In … Read more

An auspicious event at a very auspicious place

October 5, 2018

Seeing this idyllic place thronging with enthusiastic festival goers we cannot help but remember that auspicious day in 2011 when Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche flew to Portugal to choose the site for the new Temple. And the magical day two years later when Venerable Geshe-la returned to open and bless the completed Temple, and … Read more

Travelling the globe for Kadam Dharma

October 3, 2018

Hard on the heels of her extraordinary empowerments and teachings at the Summer Festival, Gen-la Dekyong’s trip to Switzerland, Germany and Australia is a powerful illustration of how hard this precious Teacher works to spread Kadam Dharma throughout the modern world. On the last leg of her tour, in Brisbane, Gen-la opened the new City … Read more


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