Coast to coast development

November 11, 2020

Among the many special events and developments on International Temples Day on Saturday, two auspicious developments took place in the US. On the west coast KMC Hollywood became KMC Los Angeles, with an extended vision, and on the east coast, KMC Long Island installed the precious deer and Dharma Wheel on their Temple roof.

25 Years in Madrid a Celebration!

November 10, 2020

This year at KMC Madrid, we feel very lucky because we celebrate 25 years of Dharma Kadam in Madrid. On the occasion of this anniversary, we have organized a very special event in appreciation of the kindness of our founder, the venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

Celebration in South Africa

November 9, 2020

This weekend Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang led the South Africa Dharma Celebration, granting the empowerment and teachings on Buddha Vajrasattva. Here is some feedback from the fortunate ones who attended in-person and online.

Kadampa Emanation Books

November 6, 2020

Today, International Temples Day, we celebrate in particular the work of the ITP in making the precious books of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche available throughout the world.

Protection for the world from Mother Tara

November 6, 2020

Sunday, the eighth day of the month is Tara Day. On this day we recite Liberation from Sorrow, Prayers and Requests to the 21 Taras and deeply request the Blessed Mother to bestow her blessings on all living beings so that all sickness and other obstacles are quickly removed.

Post festival retreats in Spain

November 5, 2020

Today we feature two post Fall Festival retreats in Spain – one last week and one next weekend

An air of excitement in South Africa

November 4, 2020

This weekend the students from the three main centers in South Africa will gather online and at their centers to enjoy the South African Dharma Celebration with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang. During the DC, entitled ‘Realize Your Ture Potential’, Gen-la will grant the empowerment of Vajrasattva, the Buddha of purification.

Dharma Celebrations in November

November 3, 2020

Through the great kindness of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyato Rinpoche, November offers another banquet of Kadam Dharma around the world with seven national/regional Dharma Celebrations given by the National Spiritual Directors.

November festivals

November 2, 2020

The International Fall Festival has now finished but for thousands of people around the world, November offers an opportunity to enjoy National Festivals.

Great news from Tharpaland

November 1, 2020

Today we received two pieces of good news from Tharpaland KMC in Germany – retreats and a Temple!


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source