A special online reunion in Mexico

December 8, 2020

This Sunday, Mexican Kadampas enjoyed an online reunion with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang, retired Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT and previous National Spiritual Director of Mexico, when Gen-la gave a public class hosted by KMC Mexico entitled What is Success?

Three aspects of love in Ontario

December 7, 2020

This weekend at the 2020 Ontario Dharma Celebration Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired General Spiritual Director of NKT and National Spiritual Director of Canada granted the blessing empowerment of Buddha Maitreya, the Buddha of loving kindness, and truly inspiring teachings on the three aspects of love.

Drawing Close to the Dharma Protector at Tara IKRC

December 4, 2020

Last weekend, Gen Losang granted the blessing empowerment of Dorje Shugden at Tara International Kadampa Retreat Center. This was the center’s first event since becoming an International Retreat Center!

A strong & peaceful mind

December 3, 2020

During the 2020 French National Festival Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, granted the empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni and the commentary of The Liberating Prayer and inspiring teachings on Refuge.

A vision of the Pure Land

December 2, 2020

Almost 200 people took part in the online German Festival this year with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang, live-streamed from KMC Edinburgh and Tharpaland KMC.

News from IKRC Grand Canyon

November 30, 2020

Yesterday, Protector Day, at IKRC Grand Canyon, Gen-la Keslang Jampa, Deputy Director of NKT-IKBU granted ordination to Carolina from Mexico, who is now Kelsang Thaye!

6 ~ Painting the frame

November 29, 2020

These last two weeks at the site of the sixth Kadampa Temple for World Peace have seen the entire steel structure coated in fire-retardant paint and a concrete deck laid above the veranda around the Temple.

Enhancing the shrine at KMC Hong Kong

November 28, 2020

On Saturday November 7, International Temples Day, KMC Hong Kong relocated to their new center, which they designed and remodeled themselves. These last few days the community has worked diligently to enhance the shrine and install the eight auspicious symbols above the shrine.. Watch the videos and enjoy the photos of this auspicious work.

Where are they now?

November 27, 2020

Earlier this year a group of fortunate Kadampa students joined Gen-la Khyenrab at Manjushri KMC to train for six months on the Intensive Teacher Training Program . We caught up with a few of them who are now teaching at centers around the world as Resident Teachers or auxiliary Teachers.

The Buddha of Compassion in Portugal

November 24, 2020

This weekend the people of Portugal enjoyed their annual Dharma Celebration with their National Spiritual Director, Gen Kelsang Chokga, who granted the empowerment of Buddha Avalokiteshvara. A large assembly participated online, and a small group attended onsite.


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source