4 ~ Laying the Temple floor

November 1, 2020

What an extraordinary day! The whole floor had to be laid in one uninterrupted session – 120 trucks of concrete, with everyone working late into the night!

Mountain retreats in January

October 31, 2020

January retreat season is fast approaching and today we begin a round up of upcoming retreats. Here we feature two six-week mountain retreats, one at IKRC Grand Canyon with Gen-la Jampa and one at Kailash IRC with Gen Devi.

A week of extraordinary blessings

October 30, 2020

The Fall Festival is now over. What an extraordinary week! Here is one last video and a chance to look back over the week and to share with others some of the highlights of this amazing event.

Fall Festival 2020 – Day 7

October 28, 2020

The Festival draws to a close. Thank you Gen-la for such precious teachings and thank you to the other Teachers, translators, and everyone else who made this auspicious event possible. But most of all thank you Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Without you none of this would be possible. In every respect, this Festival has appeared from your heart.

3 ~ Preparing the Temple floor

October 28, 2020

Watch as the preparations are put in place for pouring the Temple floor, with masses of steel reinforcement being laid and bound together. Soon the trucks will come!

Fall Festival 2020 – Day 6

October 27, 2020

On the final day of teachings and the first day of the retreat, Gen-la reminded us that everything appearing for us throughout this Festival and beyond is coming from the great kindness of our Spiritual Guide, Venerable Geshe-la.

2 ~ Laying the foundation

October 26, 2020

The groundwork is finished and the concrete is poured. The foundation for the new Temple is laid!

Fall Festival 2020 – Day 5

October 26, 2020

We are learning about the power of prayers made by sincere practitioners with good hearts. And at this Festival we are experiencing this power directly as over 4,000 people around the globe join in praying to heal the world. But in addition to this great meaning, there is another huge benefit of the International Festivals – all the profits are dedicated to the International Temples Project to build more Temples for World Peace and urban Temples to bring this precious Dharma to future generations.

Fall Festival 2020 – Day 4

October 25, 2020

At the Fall Festival teaching on Medicine Buddha, Gen-la reminded us that everything is created by mind and so by using Tantric technology such as this, with faith, conviction and our Guru’s blessings, we can use our wisdom imagination to become a pure being in reality.

Fall Festival 2020 – Day 3

October 23, 2020

Yesterday, Medicine Guru appeared for us to bestow special blessings to transform our body, speech and mind into those of Medicine Guru through the power of Tantra. In a powerful and blissful empowerment, Gen-la Dekyong explained that when the world is pervaded entirely by problems and dangers due to uncontrolled minds and inappropriate actions, the practice of relying on the Medicine Buddhas is so important.


Outstanding Visits and Public Talks in North America


Blessed events in South America


Fall Festival will now offer livestreaming


Crowds Flock to Discover Happiness from a Different Source