The wisdom of Manjushri in Australia

This weekend, in the lush forest of the Dandenong Ranges just outside Melbourne, people from all over Australia and beyond have gathered for the Australian Kadampa Festival 2019 with Gen-la Jampa, Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU.

Gen-la is granting the empowerment of Wisdom Buddha Manjushri and giving teachings on the power of the mind.

The event is being held at KMC Australia in Monbulk, Victoria, which the national center for Kadampa Buddhism in Australia. As can be seen from these amazing photos, it is a extraordinarily beautiful and peaceful location - the perfect place to relax and learn about the mind with Gen-la Jampa.

KMCA is another extraordinary example of the purity and power of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche’s compassionate vision.

Here is a description of the first two days in their own words:

‘There were smiles all round as old friends and new gathered for the Australian Festival 2019, our annual national spiritual holiday at KMC Australia.

‘The weekend began with an inspiring introduction from Gen Dornying, Resident Teacher of KMC Australia.

‘Today, empowerment day, we were guided in meditation by Gen Lhachog Resident Teacher of KMC Sydney, who encouraged us to listen with a special intention to get the most out of our Festival, based on Gen Dornying's introduction.

‘We then received the powerful blessings of wisdom Buddha Manjushri with Gen-la Jampa. Gen-la gave clear and heartfelt encouragement to increase our wisdom, understanding the extraordinary benefits that come through relying on the Buddha of wisdom. ‘

More to come ….

Enjoy the photos.


Spotlight on Reels for the New Year

New year. 2025

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NKT - MANJUSHRI KMC - 2025 2025-01 New year (KM)-30

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