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29 April 2024


▲ A rainbow appears during a retreat at KMC France, Saint Mars d’Outillé.

Editors' Pick: Special moments from April

Our editors select their favorite photographs from around the world for the month of April.

Cabreúva, Brazil

Cabreúva Town celebrated its 165th anniversary with many activities, including a 10km race. The highlight was the passage of runners through KMC Brazil! The route took runners around the Third Kadampa Temple for World Peace. Almost 600 participants ran or walked around the temple - despite the rain.

Toronto, Canada

Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong addresses over 300 attendees at the Canadian National Festival, imparting the profound wisdom of Buddha Je Tsongkhapa and inspiring the journey of faith in the New Kadampa Tradition.

Cuernavaca, Mexico

Participants gather at dusk at KMC Cuernavaca, Mexico, for the cherished Medicine Buddha empowerment, marking a moment of unity and spiritual enrichment in the community.

Málaga, Spain

Joyful faces from across Spain shine at the 6th Temple for World Peace during the empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang.

Barcelona, Spain

Practitioners worldwide engaged in Nyungnay retreats on the second weekend of April to cultivate compassion and wisdom. Through offerings and praises to Thousand-armed Avalokiteshvara (pictured), they aim to alleviate suffering in our world.

Madrid, Spain

KMC Bilbao joined a meditation retreat at KMC Madrid with teachings on the Union of Sutra and Tantra of Kadam Lamrim. Surrounded by beautiful mountains and lakes, KMC Madrid offered us the perfect outer conditions to support our retreat, making everyone joyful and inspired.

Lake District, UK

During the annual spring cleaning at the mother center, the Temple roof is one of the many areas to receive meticulous care in preparation for the upcoming Spring Festival. We look forward to welcoming you!

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Beaming faces abound at Argentina's 11th Dharma Celebration as participants joyfully absorb the teachings given by Gen Kelsang Rinchung, their hearts filled with the profound blessings of Medicine Buddha.

Georgia, US

A heartfelt moment as practitioners from the Southern states receive White Tara empowerment and wisdom teachings on emptiness from Kadam Morten Clausen at KMC Georgia.

Oberkrämer, Germany

Gen Kelsang Ananda slices the cake, commemorating 3 decades of Kadam Dharma flourishing in Germany. Tharpaland KMC hosts a joyous gathering filled with profound teachings, heartfelt dedication, and a vibrant sense of spiritual community. What an inspiring milestone!

Madrid, Spain

A volunteer at KMC Madrid beams with delight while mindfully polishing the 8 auspicious symbols. With devotion, he and the community help prepare the urban center in Malasaña for the upcoming Buddha Vajrasattva empowerment.

Vienna, Austria

Engrossed listeners gather at KMC Austria, absorbing profound teachings on meditation, during the inspirational Austrian Dharma Celebration of 2024 with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang.

This unforgettable weekend brought together numerous participants from Austria, Slovenia, Germany, Slovakia, and Switzerland.


A joyful time at the Swiss Dharma Celebration, where participants immerse in wisdom teachings during the Manjushri empowerment with Gen Kelsang Devi, enriching lives with happiness and meaning.


Members of the Chilean Sangha radiate happiness and unity at the Chilean Dharma Celebration, fostering a special bond with Medicine Guru through empowerment and teachings.

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