January in the International retreat Centers

Gaining Spiritual Insights at IKRCs

Offering an opportunity for deep contemplation and meditation, Kadampa International Retreat Centers are perfect places for gaining profound insight into the Buddhist path to enlightenment. Everyone seeking a peaceful, qualified, and meaningful retreat to gain a new perspective on life is warmly welcomed to join a retreat at one of these centers.


January holds a unique place in the Kadampa calendar, as it is traditionally an opportunity for practitioners to withdraw from busy activities and engage in retreats. In January the IKRCs offer longer retreats with qualified guidance so that people can gain deep experience of their practice. Everyone is welcome to join, whether for the entire retreat or just a portion of it. See below for the retreats currently taking place at the retreat centers.

IKRC Grand Canyon, USA

Mountain Retreat 2025: Inner Journey to Dakini Land

Vajrayogini Counting Retreat & Fire Puja

Images from IKRC GRand Canyon


Drawing Close to the Wisdom Dharma Protector

Empowerment, commentary and close retreat of the Great King, Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden. January 3rd - February 16th, 2025 with Resident Teacher Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab

Images from Tara IKRC

IRC Kailash, Switzerland

7 Week Silent Retreat - Going Beyond Ordinary

Guided silent retreat on the stages of Sutra and Heruka Tantra guided by Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Devi.

Part 1: Jan 4 – 25: Discovering a Lamrim Pure Land
Part 2: Jan 26 – Feb 23: Becoming Heruka

Images from Kailash IRC

IKRC Menorca

Close Retreat of Varayogini

During the month of January, Vajrayogini counting retreat is taking place at IKRC Menorca, guided by Resident Teacher Gen Rabjor.

Images from IKRC Menorca

NKT - Manjushri KMC - 20252024-10-04 Mini Retreat-70

Celebrating Heruka Day with the sound of damarus and bells


Editors’ Picks – Jan 2024


KMC Rio’s bright beginning to 2025

NKT - KMC PERU - 2025IMG_4426

Bonus Bulletin – 29 January