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24 March 2024

Melodious Drum Victorious in All Directions

The Spring Festival is fast approaching! During this event, Gen-la Jampa will be granting the blessing empowerment of Dorje Shudgen and giving teachings on Melodious Drum practice.
This is such a special opportunity to learn about and deeply connect with our heart practice.


Dorje Shugden is a Dharma Protector emanation of the Wisdom Buddha who averts obstacles to our spiritual practice and gathers necessary conditions for our attaining spiritual realizations.

'Dorje Shugden will bless our minds .to help us transform difficult situations into the spiritual path, and he will open the wisdom eyes of his faithful followers, enabling them always to make the right decisions. Although physically they may find themselves alone, inwardly those who put their trust in him will never be apart from a powerful ally and a wise and compassionate guide.'
Excerpt from Heart Jewel by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso


What is Melodious Drum?

It is a ritual practice of the Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden where we make extensive offerings and perform other practices for fulfilling the heart commitments of Kadampa Buddhism and for restoring any degenerated or broken commitments. Through this practice we come under the loving care and protection of this wisdom Buddha.

On protector day - the 29th of the month - Kadampa Meditation Centers all over the world set out special offerings and engage in this practice.

Connect with Dorje Shugden

Book for Spring Festival to connect and learn about this powerful practice.

Here’s what some of the practitioners from the Manjushri KMC community said about Melodious Drum:

‘I love the powerful blessings. Making offerings to all the Dharma Protectors makes me happy!’ Mickey

‘It’s important to me as it strengthens my connection with Dorje Shugden’ Bodhi

‘I think that by doing this practice we are actively protecting our Sangha community.’ Nausicaa

‘I love inviting Dorje Shudgen and all the Dharma Protectors into my life to receive their protection and beneficial influences.’ K. Lobon

‘It’s my commitment, it strengthens my connection and it’s an opportunity to say thankyou to Dorje Shugden.’ Bruno

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