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29 February 2024

Blessing Empowerments in Portugal, Sweden and Barcelona

This month blessing empowerments were given in Europe - in Portugal, Sweden and Barcelona. Empowerments are always a special time at centers, a chance for students to deepen their connection with a particular Deity and gain familiarity with spiritual practices related to that Deity. And of course they are a very joyful and blessed experience!

KMC Deuachen

In the empowerment of Buddha Amitayus, we understood that we need a long life and merit, which we can attain by receiving Buddha Amitayus' blessings. However, the reason we need these is to attain great wisdom because wisdom is the real and definitive solution to human problems.

During this empowerment, our Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Rigden reminded us of the kindness of Venerable Geshe-la because he created this Temple for people living in Portugal. He also created many other Temples, communities, Teachers, study programs all over the world to help us attain liberation from suffering through wisdom. Of course, we can help others by giving food, shelter, and medicine, but the real solution is to understand the illusory nature of samsara. The lasting solution is to destroy samsara, impure life, not to just temporarily improve our external conditions.

The only way to do this is by generating a pure mind because all our appearances are of the nature of our mind, and our mind is not inherently impure. Our mind is of the nature of emptiness. If we purify our mind through the practice of Buddha Amitayus, then our world, ourselves, our enjoyments, and activities will become pure.  KMC Deuachen

KMC Barcelona with Zaragoza, and Girona.

We concluded the blessing empowerment of Buddha Vajrasattva with Gen Kelsang Lochani at KMC Barcelona filled with inspiration and a much lighter mind having spent time in the pure world of Vajrasattva. We reflected on the meaning of purity, how to focus our mind and actions and how to make spiritual progress for the benefit of all beings by following the Bodhisattva's way of life.

During the event, over 230 people gathered to receive the inspiration that gives us the strength necessary to purify our negative karma.
With morning meditations guided by the Resident Teacher of KBC Je Tsongkhapa in Zaragoza, Kadam Xavi, and a brief retreat guided by the Resident Teacher of KMC Girona, Kadam Gabby, we enjoyed sharing the experience with the Sanghas of Barcelona, Zaragoza, and Girona.

We are deeply grateful for the immense kindness of all those who made this event possible, and especially to our dear Guru Vajrasattva.

KMC Stockholm

At KMC Stockholm in Sweden, Gen Kelsang Jangdom granted Buddha Maitreya empowerment and gave teachings on how to engage in the Tantric practice ‘The Yoga of Buddha Maitreya’ followed by teachings on how to cultivate the three types of love. It was a truly wonderful experience where many received a Tantric empowerment for the first time!

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