New Kadampa Tradition – International Kadampa Buddhist Union
New Kadampa Tradition – International Kadampa Buddhist Union

Modern Kadampa Buddhism

New Kadampa Tradition - International Kadampa Buddhist Union




Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

The Founder of Modern Kadampa Buddhism is Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, affectionately known as Venerable Geshe-la, a world-renowned meditation master and Teacher. He inspired thousands of people around the world to apply the pure teachings of Buddha to their modern lives to solve their personal problems and discover a deep and lasting inner peace and happiness. Today, the legacy of his life's work touches the lives of people of all nationalities and cultures.

"The day will come when you will do my job."

Working for world peace


Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche devoted his entire life to making the pure teachings of Buddha available in a modern form to people throughout the world.

Now Venerable Geshe-la's followers holding him at their hearts continue his work with auspicious projects in every region of the world.

International Festivals

Finding inner peace around the world

07 Sep 2024

Over the past month, centers around the world have been organizing activities with the aim of enabling everyone to achieve true inner peace. Here we showcase KMC Sydney’s half day courses, KMC Barcelona’s week-long retreat and KMC Canada’s weekend retreat.

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What’s On at IKRC Grand Canyon – August 2024

06 Sep 2024

Basking in sunflowers after the rainy monsoon season, the IKRC Grand Canyon looked this August even more welcoming. The community at the Fifth Temple for World Peace has been engaging in a variety of activities – from retreats and kids’ classes to rooftop refurbishment, community outreach, and new branch classes. There’s so much happening at our beloved Temple!

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Weekend of deeper inner peace

05 Sep 2024

In August some Kadampa Centers organized group retreats to allow their students to gain deeper experience of inner peace.
Here Kailash IRC, KMC Argentina, KMC Vancouver and KMC Fraser Valley.

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Events in Argentina and Chile after the Festival

03 Sep 2024

The Sangha of Argentina and Chile have had the wonderful opportunity to receive teachings from Teachers of their neighboring countries. Gen Rinchung, the National Spiritual Director of Argentina and Uruguay, visited KMC Chile, while Gen Chokyong, the National Spiritual Director of Chile, visited KMC Argentina.

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Fearless Heart 〜 US Festival 2024

02 Sep 2024

Coming to the IKRC Grand Canyon, Don’t miss out on this precious opportunity to receive Buddha Vajrapani Empowerment from NKT Deputy Spiritual Director Gen-la Kelsang Jampa. It is the first time the IKRC Grand Canyon will be hosting a US Festival and it is the first major event back in this location since the Temple officially opened during the NKT-IKBU International Fall Festival in 2019

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Finding inner peace around the world

Over the past month, centers around the world have been organizing activities with the aim of enabling everyone to achieve true inner peace. Here we showcase KMC Sydney’s half day courses, KMC Barcelona’s week-long retreat and KMC Canada’s weekend retreat.


What’s On at IKRC Grand Canyon – August 2024

Basking in sunflowers after the rainy monsoon season, the IKRC Grand Canyon looked this August even more welcoming. The community at the Fifth Temple for World Peace has been engaging in a variety of activities – from retreats and kids’ classes to rooftop refurbishment, community outreach, and new branch classes. There’s so much happening at our beloved Temple!

Centers, Study & Meditation

Weekend of deeper inner peace

In August some Kadampa Centers organized group retreats to allow their students to gain deeper experience of inner peace.
Here Kailash IRC, KMC Argentina, KMC Vancouver and KMC Fraser Valley.


Events in Argentina and Chile after the Festival

The Sangha of Argentina and Chile have had the wonderful opportunity to receive teachings from Teachers of their neighboring countries. Gen Rinchung, the National Spiritual Director of Argentina and Uruguay, visited KMC Chile, while Gen Chokyong, the National Spiritual Director of Chile, visited KMC Argentina.

Festivals & Celebrations

Fearless Heart 〜 US Festival 2024

Coming to the IKRC Grand Canyon, Don’t miss out on this precious opportunity to receive Buddha Vajrapani Empowerment from NKT Deputy Spiritual Director Gen-la Kelsang Jampa. It is the first time the IKRC Grand Canyon will be hosting a US Festival and it is the first major event back in this location since the Temple officially opened during the NKT-IKBU International Fall Festival in 2019

Where to start

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Words of Wisdom & Compassion

Daily quote from the collected works of Venerable Geshe-la

There is never a time when we do not need to rely upon a Spiritual Guide. Even after we have attained enlightenment we still need to rely sincerely upon our Spiritual Guide so as to show a good example to others. For example, Avalokiteshvara's crown is adorned by Amitabha to show that he relies upon his Spiritual Guide. Similarly, Maitreya's crown is adorned by a stupa, symbolising his reliance upon his Spiritual Guide, Buddha Shakyamuni.

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche,
Great Treasury of Merit