Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2
Jan 7, 2025
This month, KMC Hong Kong, KMC Valencia and KMC Colombia held magical and blessed events where people could make a special connection with the Buddhas and delight in their presence.
A heartfelt thank you to Gen Tonglam for giving us very clear instructions on the profound meditations of the Buddha Heruka practice, in particular the Heruka body mandala self-generation practice.
Also a big thank you to Kelsang Dachog and Dianna for guiding the meditations on clear appearance, divine pride and non-dual appearance and emptiness.
After receiving these unsurpassed teachings, we have a precious opportunity to engage in a 6-day retreat next week to deepen our meditative experience of the generation stage and completion stage of the Heruka practice.
Web Site: KMC Hong Kong
This weekend the city of Valencia, Spain, was full of blessings with the very beautiful empowerment of our enlightened mother Arya Tara.
It was a very blessed event and we are overjoyed at having our first empowerment in the new location of KMC Valencia.
More than 40 people enjoyed these powerful blessings offered by our Resident Teacher, Kelsang Thaye. She showed us how Green Tara can help us overcome obstacles and reduce our delusions, so that we can benefit all our kind mothers and find inner peace and lasting happiness. We enjoyed the visit from lovely Sangha from Castellón, Alicante, Mallorca and Madrid and many neighboring cities.
It was three wonderful days filled with love, service, harmony and joy.
Thanks to our precious Spiritual Guide, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, for his infinite kindness.
The resident teacher of KMC Colombia, Gen Kelsang Atisha led a retreat out of the city where all the participants could know and contemplate the practice of The Great Mother Prajnaparamita.
Around 30 people joined in Choachí to discuss how to dissolve our inner and outer obstacles, increase our wisdom and receive blessings from Prajnaparamita.
All the participants enjoyed the beautiful landscape and the teachings and had space to rest and cultivate a peaceful mind.